Idaho Code
Section 36-2401 - DEFINITIONS.

36-2401. DEFINITIONS. As used in this title, the following terms have the following meanings unless the context indicates otherwise:
(1) "Best scientific and commercial data available" means that where this chapter requires the use of the best scientific and commercial data available, the state, when evaluating comparable data, shall give greater weight to scientific or commercial data that is empirical or has been field tested or peer reviewed.
(2) "Candidate conservation agreements" means agreements, entered into with the fish and wildlife service or the national marine fisheries service (services), to implement mutually agreed upon conservation measures for a proposed or candidate species, or a species likely to become a candidate or proposed candidate in the near future, that include assurances from the services that additional conservation measures above and beyond those contained in the agreement will not be required, and that additional land, water or resource use restrictions will not be imposed upon them should the species become listed in the future.
(3) "Candidate species" means a species for which the secretary of interior or secretary of commerce has on file sufficient information on biological vulnerability and threats to support a proposal to list the species as an endangered species or a threatened species, but for which listing is precluded because of pending proposals to list species that are of a higher priority.
(4) "Endangered species" means those species listed as endangered pursuant to 16 U.S.C. section 1532(6).
(5) "Habitat conservation plan" means a plan submitted pursuant to a permit as provided in 16 U.S.C. section 1539, et seq.
(6) "Listed species" means threatened or endangered species.
(7) "Rare and declining species" means those species in need of additional management consideration due to natural rarity, downward trends in populations and habitats, or other factors, natural or human, that, without additional management, might be listed as threatened or endangered species under the ESA in the future.
(8) "Recovery plans" means federal plans or conservation programs, referenced in 16 U.S.C. section 1533(f), that set forth the actions designed to assure the continued survival and recovery of the species listed as "endangered" or "threatened" pursuant to the endangered species act.
(9) "Species conservation assessment" means a state analysis, based on the best scientific and commercial data available, about the status of a rare or declining species throughout its range which describes current and anticipated factors limiting the viability of the species as it relates to desired goals and objectives and identifies specific research needs relative to the species.
(10) "Species conservation strategy" means a state strategic plan for the management or conservation of a rare or declining species that describes the species needs in terms of habitat needs, population size, distribution and connectivity. The strategy shall include voluntary, landowner-based incentives and measures to achieve the management or conservation goals.
(11) "Species management plan" means a plan which provides for the consideration and management of a species upon its being delisted.
(12) "State conservation programs" means the programs developed, pursuant to 16 U.S.C. section 1535(c), for the conservation of endangered species and threatened species.
(13) "Threatened species" means those species listed as threatened pursuant to 16 U.S.C. section 1532(20).

[36-2401, added 2000, ch. 270, sec. 2, p. 772.]