Idaho Code
Section 36-2205 - GAME BIRDS.

36-2205. GAME BIRDS. (a) Game which may be hunted under this act shall be confined to artificially propagated upland game birds.
(b) A minimum release of two hundred (200) upland game birds of each species to be hunted on each shooting preserve must be made on the licensed area during the shooting preserve season.
(c) Artificially propagated upland game birds released on a shooting preserve must be:
(1) Marked by clipping the terminal joint of a single toe on either foot as evidenced by a healed scar; or
(2) Banded with a leg band of a type not removable without breaking or mutilating, such tag to be supplied by the fish and game department at cost. One (1) such band shall be securely affixed to one (1) leg of each bird released and shall remain affixed on the bird until the bird is prepared for consumption; or
(3) Marked in a manner specified by commission rule.
(d) Any wild upland game bird incidentally taken upon a shooting preserve, at any time other than the general open season therefor, must be marked then and there with a tag that has been issued to the shooting preserve licensee by the Idaho fish and game department. Said bird shall count as part of the permittee’s shooting preserve limit. The fee for such tags shall be as specified in section 36-416, Idaho Code, per bird.
During the general hunting season for the taking of upland game birds, all wild birds harvested on shooting preserves will be subject to the laws applicable to such wild birds and related rules and proclamations of the Idaho fish and game commission.

[36-2205, added 1977, ch. 324, sec. 1, p. 907; am. 1990, ch. 281, sec. 1, p. 787; am. 1998, ch. 170, sec. 16, p. 591; am. 2000, ch. 211, sec. 32, p. 571; am. 2004, ch. 18, sec. 2, p. 20.]