Idaho Code

36-1109. CONTROL OF DAMAGE BY BLACK BEARS, GRIZZLY BEARS OR MOUNTAIN LIONS — COMPENSATION FOR DAMAGE. (a) Prevention of depredation shall be a priority management objective of the department, and it is the obligation of landowners to take all reasonable steps to prevent property loss from black bears, grizzly bears or mountain lions or to mitigate damage by such. The director, or his representative, will consult with appropriate land management agencies and landusers before transplanting or relocating any black bear, grizzly bear or mountain lion.
(b) When any black bear, grizzly bear or mountain lion has done damage to or is destroying livestock on public, state, or private land, whether owned or leased, or when any black bear or grizzly bear has done damage to or is destroying berries, bees, beehives or honey on private land, the owner or his representative of such livestock shall, for the purposes of filing a claim, report such loss to a representative of the U.S. department of agriculture animal plant and health inspection services/animal damage control (APHIS/ADC) who shall, within seventy-two (72) hours, investigate the conditions complained of. For purposes of this section, livestock shall be defined as domestic cattle, sheep, and goats. For purposes of this section, grizzly bear shall be defined as any grizzly bear not protected by the federal endangered species act. If it appears that the complaint is well founded and livestock, berries, bees, beehives or honey of the complainant has been damaged or destroyed by such black bear, grizzly bear or mountain lion, APHIS/ADC shall so inform the owner or his representative of the extent of physical damage or destruction in question. The owner shall provide the director or the department’s regional office with the APHIS/ADC determination of damages or destruction. The physical damages, without establishing a monetary value thereon, as determined by the APHIS/ADC representative shall be final, and shall be binding upon the owner or his representative and on the department.
(c) Any claim for damages must be in written form, shall be in the form of a claim for damages substantially the same as required in section 6-907, Idaho Code, shall be attested to by the claimant under oath, and the claim shall be for an amount of at least one thousand dollars ($1,000) in damages per occurrence. The department shall prepare and make available suitable forms for claims for damages. Claims may be submitted only for the fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) in which they occurred. Any person submitting a fraudulent claim shall be prosecuted for a felony as provided in section 18-2706, Idaho Code.
1. Upon receipt by the department, the department shall review the claim, and if approved, pay it as provided in section 36-115, Idaho Code. Failure on the part of the owner or representative to allow on-site access shall negate the claim for damages.
2. If the department accepts the claim for damages as submitted by the owner or his representative, the department may approve the claim for payment, or may make a counter offer. If the owner or his representative rejects the department’s counter offer, this rejection or refusal must be in writing and submitted within five (5) business days. The value of the damage or destruction will then be determined pursuant to the provisions of subsection (b)3. of section 36-1108, Idaho Code, and, in circumstances so provided for by the provisions of subsection (b)3. of section 36-1108, Idaho Code, pursuant to the provisions of subsection (b)4. of section 36-1108, Idaho Code. Any claim received by the department under the provisions of this section must be processed by the department within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt. If the claim is approved for payment, the claim must be immediately forwarded to the department of administration for payment. Any damage claim determination by an independent insurance adjuster, accepted by the parties, must be paid by the department within forty-five (45) days of the determination. If the claim is arbitrated, the arbitration must be completed within one hundred eighty (180) days of filing the claim for such damages.

[36-1109, added 1990, ch. 370, sec. 7, p. 1017; am. 1994, ch. 218, sec. 2, p. 682; am. 2002, ch. 278, sec. 1, p. 814; am. 2004, ch. 189, sec. 4, p. 596; am. 2008, ch. 101, sec. 1, p. 283; am. 2016, ch. 104, sec. 1, p. 304.]