Idaho Code

34-502. COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE — MEMBERS — OFFICERS — DUTIES OF CHAIRMAN — NOTICE TO CHAIRMAN. The county central committee of each political party in each county shall consist of the precinct committeemen representing the precincts within the county and the county chairman elected by the precinct committeemen. The precinct committeemen within each county shall meet at the county seat within ten (10) days after the primary election and at the time and date designated by the incumbent county chairman, and shall organize by electing a chairman, vice chairman, a secretary, a state committeeman, a state committeewoman, and such other officers as they may desire who shall hold office at the pleasure of the county central committee or until their successors are elected.
Unless state party rules, adopted as provided in section 34-505, Idaho Code, provide otherwise, when a vacancy exists in the office of county central committee chairman, it shall be the duty of the state central committee chairman to call a meeting of the precinct committeemen of the county, and the precinct committeemen shall proceed to elect a chairman of the county central committee for the balance of the unexpired term.
The county central committee shall fill by appointment all vacancies that occur or exist in the office of precinct committeeman who shall be a qualified elector of the precinct.
The county clerk shall deliver in writing to the chairman of the county central committee of each political party on or before January 20 of each year in which a general election is to be held, a list of the election precincts in the county and the names and addresses of the precinct committeemen who were elected at the last primary election, or who have since been appointed as precinct committeemen, as such election or appointment is shown on the records of the county clerk. If the county clerk has no record of precinct committeemen, he shall in writing, so inform the chairman of the county central committee.
The chairman of the county central committee shall on or before February 1 of each year in which a general election is to be held, and at such other times as changes occur, certify to the county clerk the names and addresses of the precinct committeemen of his political party.

[34-502, added 1970, ch. 140, sec. 75, p. 351; am. 1975, ch. 21, sec. 2, p. 30; am. 1976, ch. 351, sec. 1, p. 1160; am. 2011, ch. 285, sec. 4, p. 780.]