Idaho Code
Section 34-1201 - CANVASS OF VOTES.

34-1201. CANVASS OF VOTES. (1) When the polls are closed, the judges must immediately proceed to count the ballots cast at such election. The counting must be continued without adjournment until completed and the result declared.
(2) If the precinct has duplicate ballot boxes, the counting may begin after five (5) ballots have been cast. At this time, the additional clerks shall close the first ballot box and retire to the counting area and count the ballots. Upon completion of this counting, the clerks shall return the ballot box and then proceed to count all of the ballots cast in the second box during this period. This counting shall continue until the polls are closed, at which time all election personnel shall complete the counting of the ballots.
(3) The county clerk may designate paper ballots be returned to a central count location for counting by special counting boards. If the paper ballots are to be counted at a central count location, a procedure may be adopted to deliver the voted ballots to the county clerk prior to the closing of the polls. The results of this early count shall not be released to the public until after 8:00 p.m. of election day.
(4) After being counted, all ballots shall be sealed and stored until such time as the recount period has passed or a recount has been completed. Ballots may be unsealed and resealed as part of a postelection audit conducted pursuant to section 34-1203A, Idaho Code.

[34-1201, added 1970, ch. 140, sec. 185, p. 351; am. 2011, ch. 285, sec. 11, p. 783; am. 2020, ch. 78, sec. 1, p. 168; am. 2022, ch. 32, sec. 1, p. 89.]