Idaho Code
Chapter 9 - SCHOOL FUNDS

33-901. SCHOOL PLANT FACILITIES RESERVE FUND. The board of trustees of any school district may create and establish a school plant facilities reserve fund by resolution adopted at any regular or special meeting of the board. All moneys for said fund accruing from taxes levied under section 33-804, Idaho Code, together with interest accruing from the investment of any moneys in the fund and any moneys allowed for depreciation of school plant facilities as are appropriated from the general fund of the district, shall be credited by the treasurer to the school plant facilities reserve fund.
Disbursements from said fund may be made from time to time as the board of trustees may determine, for purposes authorized in section 33-1102, Idaho Code, and for lease and lease purchase agreements for such purposes and to repay loans from commercial lending institutions extended to pay for the construction of school plant facilities, but no expenditure for remodeling existing buildings shall be authorized and made unless the estimated cost thereof shall exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000). Lease purchase agreements shall not extend beyond the period designated for any existing school plant facilities reserve fund levy. Expenditures may also be made from this fund for participation by the school district in any local improvement district in which the school district may be situate, but any such participation shall not create a lien upon any of the property owned by the school district.
Should any school district having a balance in its school plant facilities reserve fund be consolidated with one or more school districts to form a new school district, the moneys in such fund shall be used to retire any bonds issued by it and outstanding at the time of the consolidation. If there are no bonds outstanding, any balance in its school plant facilities reserve fund shall accrue to the new district to be added to or to create and establish a school plant facilities reserve fund.
Should any school district having a balance in its school plant facilities reserve fund be divided so as to create two (2) or more new districts the said fund may be used to retire any bonds issued by it and outstanding at the time of the division, or the said fund may be divided among the new school districts, as may be approved by the electors at the time of the division. If the fund is divided among the new districts, a school plant facilities reserve fund is thereby created and established for each district.
The board of trustees of any school district having a school plant facilities reserve fund created and established under any of the provisions of this section, may discontinue the same by resolution adopted at any regular meeting of the board. Upon such discontinuance, any balance in the fund shall be used to retire any outstanding bonds, if any; otherwise, the balance may be transferred to the general fund of the district.
Moneys in the school plant facilities reserve fund being held for future use may be invested in the manner of section 57-127, Idaho Code.
A detailed financial report of the operations in and the condition of the school plant facilities reserve fund shall be included in the annual report of each district. Forms for such reporting shall be provided by the state board of education. Such report shall be published as provided by law for the publication of annual reports of school districts.

[33-901, added 1963, ch. 13, sec. 117, p. 27; am. 1970, ch. 167, sec. 1, p. 493; am. 1975, ch. 136, sec. 1, p. 300.]