Idaho Code
Section 33-705 - ACTIVITY FUNDS.

33-705. ACTIVITY FUNDS. 1. The board of trustees of each school district, including specially chartered districts, shall create a fund or funds for the purpose of controlling and accounting for the receipts, deposits, expenditures, assets, liabilities and fund balances arising from the following transactions:
(a) Admission charges for interscholastic activities.
(b) The sale of yearbooks and annuals.
(c) Student fee collections which are used to provide more than one (1) activity or benefit to all of the students of a school or school building.
(d) Receipts from vending machines located on school property.
2. For each fund created the board of trustees shall promulgate policies:
(a) Describing with reasonable certainty the nature and type of expenditures which may be made therefrom.
(b) Setting forth the requirements for the expenditures and withdrawal of such moneys.
3. The treasurer of the district shall provide accounting procedures for the receipt, deposit, expenditure and withdrawal of such moneys and procedures for monthly reporting to the board of trustees of the transactions, assets, liabilities and fund balance for each such fund.
4. For other activity or student funds including, but not limited to, custodial funds, the board of trustees may create a separate fund or funds and promulgate policies to provide for accounting and control thereof.
5. Nothing in this section limits the power of the board of trustees of any school district from promulgating policies or imposing further controls, requirements, accounting and reporting procedures with respect to any funds or moneys of the district or moneys which it holds as custodian for the students.
6. Disbursements from any of the funds created under this section shall be made by regular bank check signed by the treasurer or assistant treasurer of the district and countersigned by the chairman or vice chairman of the board of trustees or other employee of the district designated by the board of trustees.

[33-705, added 1990, ch. 198, sec. 3, p. 447; am. 1999, ch. 165, sec. 1, p. 452.]