Idaho Code
Section 33-2904 - ASSENT TO SMITH-LEVER ACT.

33-2904. ASSENT TO SMITH-LEVER ACT. The assent of the legislature of the state of Idaho is given to the provisions and requirements of an act of Congress, approved May 8, 1914, entitled, "An act to provide for the cooperative agricultural extension work between the agricultural colleges in the several states receiving the benefits of the act of Congress approved July 2, 1863, and of acts supplementary thereto, and the United States department of agriculture." The state board of education and board of regents of the University of Idaho are authorized and empowered to receive the grants of money appropriated under such act, and to organize and conduct agricultural extension work which shall be carried on in connection with the terms and conditions expressed in the act of Congress aforesaid; and the treasurer of the state board of education and board of regents of the University of Idaho is hereby designated as the officer to whom all moneys granted to the state of Idaho under said act shall be paid.

[(33-2904) 1915, p. 397; 1917, ch. 157, p. 483; compiled and reen. C.L. 40:4; C.S., sec. 1073; I.C.A., sec. 32-2404.]