Idaho Code

33-2503. BOARD OF LIBRARY COMMISSIONERS — POWERS AND DUTIES. The board of library commissioners is designated as the policymaking body for the Idaho commission for libraries. The board of library commissioners shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) To foster and promote library service in the state of Idaho.
(2) To promulgate all rules and make policies as necessary for the proper conduct of its business.
(3) To receive donations of money, materials and other real and personal property, for the benefit of the Idaho commission for libraries. Title to donations in any form shall vest in the state of Idaho. Donations shall be held and controlled by the board of library commissioners.
(4) To promote and facilitate the establishment, use, and cooperation of libraries throughout the state so all Idahoans have access to the resources of those libraries.
(5) To support or deliver statewide library programs and services.
(6) To accept, receive, administer and expend, in accordance with the terms thereof, any moneys, materials or other aid granted, appropriated, or made available to Idaho by the United States, or any of its agencies, or by any other public or private source, for library purposes. The board of library commissioners is authorized to file any accounts required with reference to receiving and administering all such moneys, materials and other aid.
(7) To assist in the establishment of financing of a statewide program of cooperative library services, which may be in cooperation with any taxing unit, or public or private agency.
(8) To contract with other libraries or agencies, within or without the state of Idaho, to render library services to people of the state of Idaho. The board of library commissioners shall have authority to reasonably compensate other library units or agencies for the cost of the services provided by the other library unit or agency under any such contract. Such contracts and compensation shall be exempt from the provisions of chapter 92, title 67, Idaho Code.

[33-2503, added 1998, ch. 57, sec. 2, p. 212; am. 2006, ch. 235, sec. 4, p. 702; am. 2016, ch. 289, sec. 7, p. 808.]