Idaho Code

26-908. SALE OF ASSETS OF BANK OR DEPARTMENT. (1) Any state bank may sell to any other bank:
(a) all or substantially all of the selling bank assets and business; or
(b) all or substantially all of the assets and business of any department of the selling bank.
(2) Any state bank may, upon assuming the liabilities relating thereto, purchase:
(a) all or substantially all of the assets and business of another bank; or
(b) all or substantially all of the assets and business of any department of another bank.
(3) The agreement of purchase and sale shall be authorized, approved by the director, approved by the vote of a majority of the stockholders of the purchasing and selling bank at a meeting called for the purpose in like manner as meetings to approve mergers are called and filed with the director accompanied by evidence of such stockholders’ approval in like manner as agreements of mergers are filed. After such approval is given by the stockholders a notice of such sale shall be published once a week for three (3) successive weeks in a newspaper of large general circulation in the county in which the selling bank has its principal office, and proof of such publication shall be filed with the director.
(4) Notwithstanding any term of the agreement, or of his contract of deposit, any depositor whose business is thus sold has the right to withdraw his deposit in full on demand after such sale unless by dealing with [the] purchasing bank with knowledge of the purchase he ratifies the transfer.
(5) The agreement of sale may provide for the transfer to the purchasing bank of all fiduciary positions held by the selling bank subject to the right of the court, on petition of any interested party, to appoint another or succeeding fiduciary to the positions so transferred. Until the court appoints another or succeeding fiduciary the purchasing bank shall, if qualified to do so, exercise any fiduciary function vested in the selling bank.
(6) No right against or obligation of the selling bank in respect of assets or business sold shall be released or impaired by the sale until one (1) year from the last date of publication of the notice pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, but after the expiration of such year, no action can be brought against the selling bank on account of any deposit, obligation, trust, or asset transferred to or liability assumed by the purchasing bank.
(7) A bank may, with the prior approval of the director, purchase assets and the charter of and assume deposit liabilities or [of] a branch office of another bank or sell assets and the charter of a branch and permit the assumption of deposit liabilities by the purchasing bank. The sale or acquisition of a branch office and deposit liabilities shall comply with all capital requirements and other statutory requirements and restrictions relating to the maintenance of branch offices as required by this law. Banks which desire to sell, purchase or exchange branches shall apply to the director and shall provide all information required by the director to properly evaluate the impact upon public need and convenience and the impact upon depositors, stockholders and creditors of both the selling and acquiring banks. The director may in his discretion require a public hearing for the purpose of obtaining public impact and evaluating public need and convenience issues. The department shall make an investigation of the proposed sale, purchase or exchange of branches. The actual cost of an investigation, administrative procedure or hearing, shall be shared equally by the selling and acquiring banks. All fees shall be paid to the department of finance by the applicant banks following the approval or denial by the director. A bank selling a branch shall publish notice of the sale once a week for three (3) successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the branch is located.

[26-908, added 1979, ch. 41, sec. 2, p. 99.]