Idaho Code

26-3707. ESCROW — TRUST — SURETY BOND — COLLECTION OF DEPOSITS. (1) A provider shall establish an escrow account with a bank or a trust company, that is located in Idaho, agreed upon by the provider and the resident. The terms of this escrow account shall provide that the total amount of any entrance fee received by the provider prior to the date the resident is permitted to occupy a living unit in the facility be placed in this escrow account. These funds may be released only as follows:
(a) If the entrance fee applies to a living unit that has been previously occupied in the facility, the entrance fee shall be released to the provider when the living unit becomes available for occupancy by the new resident;
(b) If the entrance fee applies to a living unit which has not been previously occupied by any resident, the entrance fee shall be released to the provider when the escrow agent is satisfied that:
(i) Construction or purchase of the living unit has been completed and an occupancy permit, if applicable, covering the living unit has been issued by the local government having authority to issue such permits;
(ii) A commitment has been received by the provider for any permanent mortgage loan, long-term financing or other source of capital and any conditions of the commitment prior to disbursement of funds thereunder have been substantially satisfied; and
(iii) Aggregate entrance fees received or receivable by the provider pursuant to binding continuing care retirement community contracts, plus the anticipated proceeds of any first mortgage loan, long-term financing commitment, or other source of capital, are equal to not less than ninety percent (90%) of the aggregate cost of constructing or purchasing, equipping and furnishing the facility plus not less than ninety percent (90%) of the funds estimated in the statement of anticipated source and application of funds submitted by the provider as that part of the disclosure statement required in section 26-3705, Idaho Code, to be necessary to fund start-up losses and assure full performance of the obligations of the provider pursuant to continuing care retirement community contracts.
(2) Upon receipt by the escrow agent of a request by the provider for the release of these escrow funds, the escrow agent shall approve release of the funds within five (5) working days unless the escrow agent finds that the requirements of subsection (1) of this section have not been met and notifies the provider of the basis for this finding. The request for release of the escrow funds shall be accompanied by any documentation the fiduciary requires.
(3) If the provider fails to meet the requirements for release of funds held in this escrow account within a time period the escrow agent considers reasonable, these funds shall be returned by the escrow agent to the persons who have made payment to the provider. The escrow agent shall notify the provider of the length of this time period when the provider requests release of the funds.
(4) An entrance fee held in escrow may be returned by the escrow agent to the person who made payment to the provider at any time upon receipt by the escrow agent of notice from the provider that this person is entitled to a refund of the entrance fee.
(5) In addition to the escrow requirement of this section, each provider shall provide a surety bond or an irrevocable letter of credit in a form acceptable to the department. Any surety bond offered as evidence of financial responsibility must be written by a company authorized to do business in this state. The bond must be in effect at any time that funds remain in escrow under the provisions of this section and shall be an amount not less than the aggregate value of all outstanding amounts in escrow.

[26-3707, added 2005, ch. 265, sec. 15, p. 821.]