Idaho Code
Chapter 30 - FUR FARMS

25-3001. FUR FARMING DEEMED AGRICULTURAL PURSUIT. It shall be lawful for any person, persons, association or corporations to engage in the business of propagating, breeding, owning or controlling domestic fur-bearing animals, which are defined as fox, mink, chinchilla, marten, fisher, muskrat, beaver, bobcat, and other fur-bearing animals the department of agriculture may designate by rule, bred and raised in captivity for the purpose of harvesting pelts or providing replacement animals to fur farms that harvest pelts as their primary activity. For the purposes of all classification and administration of the laws of the state of Idaho, and all administrative orders and rules pertaining thereto, the breeding, raising, producing or marketing of such animals or their products by the producer shall be deemed an agricultural pursuit; such animals shall be deemed livestock and their products shall be deemed agricultural products; the persons engaged in such agricultural pursuits shall be deemed farmers, fur farmers, fur breeders, or fur ranchers; the premises within which such pursuit is conducted and domestic fur-bearing animals are raised for the purpose of harvesting pelts or providing replacement animals to fur farms that harvest pelts as their primary activity shall be deemed farms, fur farms, or fur ranches.

[25-3001, added 1961, ch. 152, sec. 1, p. 218; am. 2006, ch. 226, sec. 2, p. 678.]