Idaho Code

25-2402. PETITION AND REQUIREMENTS FOR DISTRICT. (1) A majority of the owners of taxable real property, including corporations, in any area or district described by metes and bounds and who are also domiciled and resident in the state of Idaho, may petition the board of county commissioners in writing to create, modify or eliminate a herd district in such area; provided, that in the case of a petition for the purpose of eliminating an existing district or any portion thereof, said area must be contiguous to open range. Such petition shall describe the boundaries of the said proposed herd district, and shall designate what animals of the species of horses, mules, asses, cattle, swine, sheep and goats it is desired to prohibit from running at large, also prohibiting said animals from being herded upon the public highways in such district; and shall designate that the herd district shall not apply to nor cover livestock, excepting swine, which shall roam, drift or stray from open range into the district unless the district shall be inclosed by lawful fences and cattle guards as needed in roads penetrating the district so as to prevent livestock, excepting swine, from roaming, drifting or straying from open range into the district; and may designate the period of the year during which it is desired to prohibit such animals from running at large, or being herded on the highways. Such petition may also state the conditions and location(s), if any, for the construction of legal fences and cattle guards which may be required to prohibit the running at large of livestock within the interior of the proposed district; provided, that if such petition does not address the issue of interior fencing and cattle guards, the board of county commissioners shall have the power to establish such internal fencing requirements upon their approval of a proposed district. Provided, any herd district heretofore established shall retain its identity, geographic definition, and remain in full force and effect, until vacated or modified hereafter as provided by section 25-2404, Idaho Code.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, no herd district shall:
(a) Contain any lands owned by the United States of America or the state of Idaho, upon which the grazing of livestock has historically been permitted.
(b) Result in the state, a county, a city or a highway district being held liable for personal injury, wrongful death or property damage resulting from livestock within the public right-of-way.
(c) Prohibit trailing or driving of livestock from one location to another on public roads or recognized livestock trails.
(3) Open range means all uninclosed lands outside cities and villages upon which by custom, license or otherwise, livestock, excepting swine, are grazed or permitted to roam.
(4) The owners of taxable real property within the herd district shall:
(a) Pay the costs, including on private land, of constructing and maintaining legal fences as required on the district’s border with open range so as to prevent livestock, excepting swine, from roaming, drifting or straying from open range into the district.
(b) Pay the costs, including on private land, of constructing and maintaining cattle guards as required on the district’s border with open range so as to prevent livestock, excepting swine, from roaming, drifting or straying from open range into the district; except that the costs of maintaining a cattle guard located on a public right-of-way shall thereafter be paid by the state, county, city or highway district responsible for maintaining said right-of-way.
(c) Pay seventy-five percent (75%) of the costs, including on private land, of constructing legal fences required, at the time of the creation or modification of the district only, to control livestock within the interior of the district; provided that (i) the costs of maintaining such fences shall thereafter be paid by the owner(s) of the land on which the fencing is constructed as prescribed by chapter 1, title 35, Idaho Code, and that (ii) the costs of constructing and maintaining fences on livestock operations which come into existence after the creation or modification of the district shall be paid by owner(s) of the land on which the fencing is constructed as prescribed by chapter 1, title 35, Idaho Code.
(d) Pay seventy-five percent (75%) of the costs, including on private land, of constructing legal cattle guards required, at the time of the creation or modification of the district only, to control livestock within the interior of the district; provided that (i) the costs of maintaining a cattle guard located on a public right-of-way shall thereafter be paid by the state, county, city or highway district responsible for maintaining the public right-of-way on which the cattle guard is located, or, in the case of a cattle guard located on private land, by the owner(s) of the land on which the cattle guard is constructed as prescribed by chapter 1, title 35, Idaho Code, and that (ii) the costs of constructing and maintaining cattle guards on livestock operations which come into existence after the creation or modification of the district shall be paid by the owner(s) of the land on which the cattle guard is constructed as prescribed by chapter 1, title 35, Idaho Code.
(e) In the case of a new herd district created contiguous to an existing herd district, there shall be no obligation to maintain a legal fence or cattle guards on the border between the new district and the existing district, except to the extent that said fence or cattle guards, or any portion thereof, may be required to control movement of livestock on the interior of the district. In the case of a modification of an existing herd district which alters its borders with open range, there shall be no obligation to maintain a legal fence or cattle guards on its previous border with open range, except to the extent that said fence or cattle guards, or any portion thereof, may be required to control movement of livestock on the interior of the district.
(5) In the case of interior fencing and cattle guards as described in subsections (4)(c) and (d), the owner(s) of private land on which such fencing or cattle guards are constructed shall pay twenty-five percent (25%) of the total cost of their construction, provided that the share of that total cost to be paid by each individual landowner shall be as prescribed by chapter 1, title 35, Idaho Code.
(6) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a county shall have the authority to and shall levy an annual property tax not to exceed six hundredths percent (.06%) of market value for assessment purposes on taxable real property within the district for the costs of constructing and maintaining the legal fencing and cattle guards required by the creation or modification of such a herd district; provided that a herd district created on or after January 1, 1990, shall have no force and effect unless and until such a levy is approved, and provided that the revenues derived therefrom may not be used for any other purpose. In the case of a new herd district contiguous to an existing herd district, said levy shall apply, for purposes of constructing legal fences and cattle guards required by the new district, only to owners of taxable real property residing within the new district; but for purposes of maintaining thereafter fences as required on the district’s border with open range, shall apply to owners of taxable real property residing within both the new district and the existing district to which it is contiguous.

[(25-2402) 1907, p. 126, sec. 2, reen. R.C. & C.L., sec. 1303; am. 1919, ch. 184, sec. 1, p. 565; C.S., sec. 2012; I.C.A., sec. 24-2102; am. 1935, ch. 90, sec. 1, p. 171; am. 1947, ch. 75, sec. 1, p. 120; am. 1953, ch. 118, sec. 1, p. 172; am. 1963, ch. 264, sec. 1, p. 674; am. 1983, ch. 120, sec. 1, p. 313; am. 1985, ch. 56, sec. 1, p. 109; am. 1990, ch. 222, sec. 2, p. 590; am. 1996, ch. 322, sec. 5, p. 1033.]