Idaho Code

22-4207. POWERS AND DUTIES OF COMMISSION. The powers and duties of the commission shall include the following:
(1) To administer and enforce this act.
(2) To contract in the name of the commission and be contracted with.
(3) To employ and at pleasure discharge a research director, research staff, a secretary, advertising manager, advertising agents, agents, attorneys, and such clerical and other help as it deems necessary and to control their powers and duties and to fix their compensation.
(4) To keep books, records and accounts of all its dealings, which books, records and accounts of all its dealings shall be open to inspection by the state controller at all times.
(5) To purchase or authorize the purchase of all office equipment and/or supplies and incur all other reasonable and necessary expenses and obligations in connection with and required for the proper carrying out of the provisions of this act.
(6) To become a member of and purchase membership in trade organizations and to subscribe to and purchase trade bulletins, journals and other trade publications.
(7) To plan and conduct a research program to improve the quality of alfalfa seed and clover seed, to develop and improve control measures for disease and pests which attack alfalfa and alfalfa seed pollinators and clover and clover seed pollinators and to improve alfalfa and clover growing culture and to disseminate such information among the growers and dealers of the state and to make such research contracts and other agreements as may be necessary.
(8) To plan and conduct a publicity and sales promotion campaign to increase the sale and use of Idaho alfalfa seed and clover seed and to make such publicity and sales promotion contracts and other agreements as may be necessary.
(9) To establish and maintain the executive offices of the commission at any place within the state of Idaho, which designated place may be changed at the discretion of the commission.
(10) To adopt and from time to time alter, rescind, modify or amend all proper and necessary rules and orders for the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties under this act.
(11) To cooperate with any local, state or national organization or agency, whether voluntary or created by the law of any state, or the United States government, engaged in work or activities similar to the work and activities of the commission, and to enter into contracts or agreements with such organizations or agencies for carrying on a joint campaign of research, education, product protection, publicity and reciprocal enforcement of these objectives.
(12) To investigate and prosecute in the name of the state of Idaho violations of this act; to investigate and prosecute in the name of the state of Idaho any suit or action for the collection of assessments as hereinafter provided, or to protect brands, marks, packages, brand names or trademarks being promoted by the commission.
(13) To promote the sale and use of Idaho alfalfa seed and clover seed.
(14) To provide for and conduct a comprehensive and extensive research, promotion and educational campaign as continuous as the crop, sales and market conditions reasonably require.

[22-4207, added 1974, ch. 184, sec. 7, p. 1481; am. 1994, ch. 180, sec. 35, p. 449; am. 2000, ch. 201, sec. 7, p. 500.]