Idaho Code

22-3517. PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENT — DISPOSITION OF RECEIPTS. (1) The assessment imposed in this act shall be paid by the first purchaser to the commission. The commission shall receipt the purchaser thereof and promptly deposit the moneys in a bank account in the name of the Idaho pea and lentil commission. The commission may adopt, rescind, modify and amend regulations not inconsistent with this act, related to the payment and collection of the assessment provided for in the act.
(2) All moneys received under the provisions of this act shall be paid to the Idaho pea and lentil commission to be deposited into a bank account in the name of the Idaho pea and lentil commission and made available for defraying the expenses or repaying indebtedness of the commission in carrying out the provisions of this act.
(3) All salaries, costs and expenses incurred by the commission in performing its duties and the exercise of its powers under this act shall be paid out of such bank account of the Idaho pea and lentil commission.
(4) All moneys received by the commission from any source, except the amount of cash kept for each day’s needs, shall be deposited as soon as possible in one (1) or more separate accounts in the name of the commission in one (1) or more banks or trust companies approved under chapter 27, title 67, Idaho Code, as state depositories. The commission shall designate such accounts and such banks or trust companies.
(5) No moneys shall be withdrawn from or paid out of such accounts except upon order of the commission, and upon checks or other orders upon such accounts signed by such member of the commission as the commission designates, and countersigned by such other member, officer or employee of the commission as the commission designates. A receipt, voucher or other written record, showing clearly the nature and items covered by the check or other order, shall be kept.

[22-3517, added 1965, ch. 106, sec. 17, p. 192; am. 1971, ch. 23, sec. 5, p. 54.]