Idaho Code

19-5203. PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY INFORMATION SYSTEM BOARD — CREATION — COMPOSITION — TERMS — RULES — COMPENSATION OF MEMBERS. (1) There is hereby created within the Idaho state police a public safety and security information system board, to be known as the ILETS board, which shall be composed of five (5) members appointed by the governor.
The members of the information system board shall be composed of the following:
(a) Two (2) incumbent county sheriffs;
(b) Two (2) incumbent city chiefs of police;
(c) One (1) member of the Idaho state police.
(2) The term of office of the first board shall be staggered with the one (1) appointment expiring January 1, 1972; one (1) appointment expiring January 1, 1973; one (1) appointment expiring January 1, 1974; one (1) appointment expiring January 1, 1975; and one (1) appointment expiring January 1, 1976.
Thereafter, the term of office of each chief of police, sheriff and member of the Idaho state police shall be for a term of five (5) years.
The director of the Idaho state police shall be a permanent member of the board.
In the event any chief of police, sheriff or member of the Idaho state police ceases to be such chief of police, sheriff, or member of the Idaho state police his appointment to said board shall terminate and cease immediately and the governor shall appoint a qualified person in such category to fill the unexpired term of such member.
(3) The board shall, upon their appointment, adopt such rules, procedures and methods of operation as may be necessary to establish and put into use the most efficient and economical statewide public safety and security information system and shall publish and distribute said rules and procedures to each participating department, agency or office.
(4) The public safety and security information system board shall have exclusive management control over the entire Idaho public safety and security information system, which includes all hardware, software, electronic switches, peripheral gear, microwave links, and circuitry which make up the system and any access thereto. The term public safety and security information system shall mean the information system established by the director of the Idaho state police pursuant to subsection (1) of section 19-5202, Idaho Code, and shall not apply to any type of voice-oriented transmission whether it be by mobile radio, microwave or telephone.
(5) Salaries and expenses. Members of said board shall be compensated as provided by section 59-509(b), Idaho Code, which expenses shall be paid from moneys appropriated for the funding of this chapter.
The performance of duties under this chapter by a member of the board shall be deemed to be in performance of his duties as an employee of his particular branch of government.
(6) Federal funding, gifts, donations. The director is authorized to apply for and accept federal funds granted by the congress of the United States, or by executive order, all of which must be deposited in the ILETS fund, and which may be expended only after a legislative appropriation. The director may accept gifts and donations from individuals and private organizations or foundations for all or any of the purposes of chapter 52, title 19, Idaho Code.

[19-5203, added 1971, ch. 195, sec. 3, p. 884; am. 1974, ch. 27, sec. 11, p. 811; am. 1980, ch. 247, sec. 4, p. 585; am. 1983, ch. 181, sec. 2, p. 492; am. 1989, ch. 131, sec. 1, p. 285; am. 2000, ch. 469, sec. 42, p. 1496; am. 2005, ch. 115, sec. 5, p. 374.]