Idaho Code

19-307. KIDNAPING AND SIMILAR OFFENSES. In any case where a person:
1. Seizes, confines, inveigles or kidnaps another, with intent to cause him, without authority of law, to be secretly confined or imprisoned within this state, or to be sent out of this state, or in any way held to service or kept or detained against his will; or
2. Leads, takes, entices away or detains a child under the age of sixteen (16) years, with intent to keep or conceal it from its custodial parent, guardian or other person having lawful care or control thereof, or with intent to steal any article upon the person of the child; or
3. Abducts, entices or by force or fraud unlawfully takes or carries away another at or from a place without the state, or procures, advises, aids or abets such an abduction, enticing, taking or carrying away, and afterwards sends, brings, has or keeps such person, or causes him to be kept or secreted within this state; or
4. Seizes, confines, inveigles, leads, takes, entices away or kidnaps another against his will to extort money, property or any other things of value or obtain money, property or reward or any other thing of value for the return or disposition of such person; or
5. Inveigles or entices any unmarried person of previous chaste character, under the age of eighteen (18) years, into any house of ill-fame, or of assignation, or elsewhere, for the purpose of prostitution, or to have illicit carnal connection with any other person; and every person who aids or assists in such inveiglement or enticement; or
6. Takes away any person under the age of eighteen (18) years from his or her father, mother, guardian, or other person having the legal charge of that person, without their consent, for the purpose of prostitution;
Venue is in the county in which the offense is committed, or out of which the person upon whom the offense was committed may, in the commission of the offense, have been brought, or in which an act was done by the defendant in instigating, procuring, promoting, or aiding in the commission of the offense, or in abetting the parties concerned therein.

[19-307, added 1972, ch. 336, sec. 4, p. 984; am. 1986, ch. 289, sec. 7, p. 729.]