18-7803. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter, (a) "Racketeering" means any act which is chargeable or indictable under the following sections of the Idaho Code or which are equivalent acts chargeable or indictable as equivalent crimes under the laws of any other jurisdiction:
(1) Homicide (section 18-4001, Idaho Code);
(2) Robbery, burglary, theft, forgery, counterfeiting, and related crimes (sections 18-1401, 18-1405, 18-2403, 18-2407, 18-3123, 18-3124, 18-3125, 18-3601, 18-3602, 18-3603, 18-3605, 18-3606, 18-3607, 18-3609, 18-3610, 18-3614, 18-3615, 18-4630, 18-6501 and 49-518, Idaho Code);
(3) Kidnapping (section 18-4501, Idaho Code);
(4) Prostitution (sections 18-5601, 18-5602, 18-5603, 18-5604, 18-5605, 18-5606, 18-5608 and 18-5609, Idaho Code);
(5) Arson (sections 18-801, 18-802, 18-803, 18-804 and 18-805, Idaho Code);
(6) Assault (sections 18-908 and 18-4015, Idaho Code);
(7) Lotteries and gambling (sections 18-3801, 18-3802, 18-3809, 18-4902, 18-4903, 18-4904, 18-4905, 18-4906 and 18-4908, Idaho Code);
(8) Indecency and obscenity (sections 18-1515, 18-1518, 18-4103, 18-4103A, 18-4104, 18-4105, 18-4105A and 18-4107, Idaho Code);
(9) Poisoning (sections 18-4014 and 18-5501, Idaho Code);
(10) Fraudulent practices, false pretenses, insurance fraud, financial transaction card crimes and fraud generally (sections 18-2403, 18-2706, 18-3002, 18-3101, 18-3124, 18-3125, 18-3126, 18-6713, 41-293, 41-294 and 41-1306, Idaho Code);
(11) Alcoholic beverages (sections 23-602, 23-606, 23-610, 23-703, 23-905, 23-914, 23-928, 23-934 and 23-938, Idaho Code);
(12) Cigarette taxes (sections 63-2505 and 63-2512(b), Idaho Code);
(13) Securities (sections 30-14-401, 30-14-402, 30-14-403, 30-14-404, 30-14-501, 30-14-502, 30-14-505 and 30-14-506, Idaho Code);
(14) Horseracing (section 54-2512, Idaho Code);
(15) Interest and usurious practices (sections 28-45-401 and 28-45-402, Idaho Code);
(16) Corporations (sections 18-1901, 18-1902, 18-1903, 18-1904, 18-1905, 18-1906 and 30-1510, Idaho Code);
(17) Perjury (sections 18-5401 and 18-5410, Idaho Code);
(18) Bribery and corrupt influence (sections 18-1352 and 18-1353, Idaho Code);
(19) Controlled substances (sections 37-2732(a), (b), (c), (e) and (f), 37-2732B, 37-2734 and 37-2734B, Idaho Code);
(20) Motor vehicles (sections 49-228, 49-231, 49-232 and 49-518, Idaho Code);
(21) Terrorism (section 18-8103, Idaho Code).
(b) "Person" means any individual or entity capable of holding a legal or beneficial interest in property;
(c) "Enterprise" means any sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, business, labor union, association or other legal entity or any group of individuals associated in fact although not a legal entity, and includes illicit as well as licit entities; and
(d) "Pattern of racketeering activity" means engaging in at least two (2) incidents of racketeering conduct that have the same or similar intents, results, accomplices, victims or methods of commission, or otherwise are interrelated by distinguishing characteristics and are not isolated incidents, provided at least one (1) of such incidents occurred after the effective date of this act and that the last of such incidents occurred within five (5) years after a prior incident of racketeering conduct.
[18-7803, added 1981, ch. 219, sec. 1, p. 407; am. 1988, ch. 265, sec. 562, p. 858; am. 1999, ch. 143, sec. 3, p. 413; am. 2000, ch. 148, sec. 4, p. 384; am. 2002, ch. 222, sec. 5, p. 627; am. 2004, ch. 45, sec. 4, p. 226; am. 2004, ch. 49, sec. 3, p. 234.]
Structure Idaho Code