Idaho Code
Chapter 45 - KIDNAPING

18-4512. MISSING PERSONS CLEARINGHOUSE. (1) The Idaho state police shall establish a missing persons clearinghouse as a resource center of information and assistance regarding missing and unidentified persons.
(2) The director of the Idaho state police shall appoint a coordinator to manage appropriate programs for addressing the problem of missing persons, which may include the following:
(a) Collecting and maintaining computerized data and investigative information on missing and unidentified persons in Idaho;
(b) Establishing access to the national crime information center and to other sources of automated information;
(c) Distributing information to public and private nonprofit agencies that will assist in the location and recovery of missing persons;
(d) Operating a toll-free telephone hotline for accepting reports relating to missing persons;
(e) Publishing a directory of missing persons;
(f) Compiling statistics on missing persons cases handled and resolved each year;
(g) Developing and conducting training on issues relating to missing persons;
(h) Developing and distributing educational and other information regarding the prevention of abduction and sexual exploitation of children.
(3) The Idaho state police may accept gifts and grants from governmental agencies and private nonprofit organizations to achieve the purposes of the clearinghouse.
(4) The Idaho state police shall publish an annual report on the activities and achievements of the clearinghouse.
(5) The Idaho state police shall determine, by rule, the type and content of information to be collected by the clearinghouse and the manner of collecting and disseminating that information.
(6) The clearinghouse coordinator, in cooperation with the office of the superintendent of public instruction, shall develop a coordinated plan for the distribution of information to teachers and students in the school districts of the state regarding missing and runaway children. The superintendent of public instruction shall encourage local school districts to cooperate by providing the Idaho state police with information on any missing and runaway children that may be identified within the district.

[18-4512 added 1996, ch. 367, sec. 1, p. 1238; am. 1999, ch. 12, sec. 2, p. 17; am. 2000, ch. 469, sec. 26, p. 1480.]