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342G-1 Definitions. - §342G-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context...
342G-2 Solid waste management priorities. - §342G-2 Solid waste management priorities. (a) This chapter shall be...
342G-3 Goals. - §342G-3 Goals. (a) It is the goal of the State...
342G-11 Administration. - §342G-11 Administration. The department shall be responsible for the administration...
342G-12 Office of solid waste management, establishment. - §342G-12 Office of solid waste management, establishment. There is established...
342G-12.5 Recycling coordinator. There is established a position of assistant to the coordinator of the office of solid waste management to be known as the recycling coordinator. The position may be appointed by the director in accordance with chapte... - §342G-12.5 Recycling coordinator. There is established a position of assistant...
342G-13 Powers and duties of the department. - §342G-13 Powers and duties of the department. In the execution...
342G-14 Powers and duties of the office of solid waste management. - §342G-14 Powers and duties of the office of solid waste...
342G-15 Annual report. - §342G-15 Annual report. (a) The coordinator shall prepare and submit...
342G-21 Establishment of county integrated solid waste management plans. - §342G-21 Establishment of county integrated solid waste management plans. By...
342G-22 Development of county integrated solid waste management plans. - §342G-22 Development of county integrated solid waste management plans. (a)...
342G-23 State review of county integrated solid waste management plans. - §342G-23 State review of county integrated solid waste management plans....
342G-24 Submission schedule for revised integrated solid waste management plans. - §342G-24 Submission schedule for revised integrated solid waste management plans....
342G-25 Contents of county integrated solid waste management plans. - §342G-25 Contents of county integrated solid waste management plans. (a)...
342G-26 Contents of the program element. - §342G-26 Contents of the program element. (a) The waste stream...
342G-27 Contents of the facility capacity and siting element. - §342G-27 Contents of the facility capacity and siting element. (a)...
342G-28 Facility permitting. - §342G-28 Facility permitting. Permitting shall be performed pursuant to chapter...
342G-29 Revisions to the state integrated solid waste management plan. - §342G-29 Revisions to the state integrated solid waste management plan....
342G-30 Records. - §342G-30 Records. Each operator of a municipal solid waste landfill...
342G-31 Guidelines. - §342G-31 Guidelines. The process of county and state integrated solid...
342G-41 Goals for recycled product procurement. - §342G-41 Goals for recycled product procurement. It shall be the...
342G-42 Office responsibilities for recycled products procurement. - §342G-42 Office responsibilities for recycled products procurement. The office, in...
342G-43 Reporting. - §342G-43 Reporting. (a) Each state agency that conducts its own...
342G-44 Double-sided copying. - §342G-44 Double-sided copying. Double-sided copying shall be standard operating practice...
342G-45 Establishment of an office paper and other materials recovery program. - §342G-45 Establishment of an office paper and other materials recovery...
342G-46 Coordination of bioconversion programs. - §342G-46 Coordination of bioconversion programs. Bioconversion programs shall include: (1)...
342G-47 State agency responsibilities in the promotion of bioconversion. - §342G-47 State agency responsibilities in the promotion of bioconversion. The...
342G-48 Recycling market development. - §342G-48 Recycling market development. Databases on solid waste management alternatives...
342G-49 REPEALED. - §342G-49 REPEALED. L Sp 1995, c 2, §5.
342G-61 Solid waste collection surcharge. - §342G-61 Solid waste collection surcharge. Each county may assess residential...
342G-62 Solid waste disposal surcharge. - §342G-62 Solid waste disposal surcharge. (a) There is established a...
342G-63 Establishment of the environmental management special fund. - §342G-63 Establishment of the environmental management special fund. (a) There...
342G-64 Administration of the environmental management special fund. - §342G-64 Administration of the environmental management special fund. (a) The...
342G-71 Penalties. - Revision Note Part heading added by revisor. §342G-71 Penalties. Any...
342G-72 Enforcement. - §342G-72 Enforcement. (a) If the director determines that any person...
342G-81 Definitions. - §342G-81 Definitions. As used in this part, unless the context...
342G-82 Advance disposal fee. - §342G-82 Advance disposal fee. (a) Every glass container importer shall...
342G-83 Glass container importers; registration, recordkeeping requirements. - §342G-83 Glass container importers; registration, recordkeeping requirements. (a) By September...
342G-84 Deposit into environmental management special fund; distribution to counties. - §342G-84 Deposit into environmental management special fund; distribution to counties....
342G-85 Container inventory report and payment. - §342G-85 Container inventory report and payment. (a) Payment of the...
342G-86 County glass recovery programs; requirements. - §342G-86 County glass recovery programs; requirements. (a) All county glass...
342G-87 Contract for administrative services. - §342G-87 Contract for administrative services. The department may contract the...
342G-88, 89 REPEALED. - § §342G-88, 89 REPEALED. L 2002, c 176, § §14,...
342G-101 Definitions. - Note L 2004, c 241, §13 provides: "SECTION 13. Unless...
342G-101.5 Commercial passenger vessels; exemption. - §342G-101.5 Commercial passenger vessels; exemption. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision...
342G-102 Deposit beverage container fee. - §342G-102 Deposit beverage container fee. (a) Beginning on October 1,...
342G-102.5 REPEALED. - §342G-102.5 REPEALED. L 2006, c 231, §2.
342G-103 Deposit beverage distributors; registration, recordkeeping requirements. - §342G-103 Deposit beverage distributors; registration, recordkeeping requirements. (a) By September...
342G-104 Deposit into deposit beverage container deposit special fund; use of funds. - §342G-104 Deposit into deposit beverage container deposit special fund; use...
342G-105 Deposit beverage container inventory report and payment. - §342G-105 Deposit beverage container inventory report and payment. (a) Payment...
342G-106 Contract for administrative services. - §342G-106 Contract for administrative services. The department may contract the...
342G-107 Management and financial audit. - §342G-107 Management and financial audit. The auditor shall conduct a...
342G-108 Reserved. - §342G-108 Reserved.
342G-109 Rules; commencement. - §342G-109 Rules; commencement. The department may adopt rules pursuant to...
342G-110 Payment and application of deposits. - §342G-110 Payment and application of deposits. (a) By January 1,...
342G-111 Sales of beverages in deposit beverage containers; distributor report; fee and deposit payment. - §342G-111 Sales of beverages in deposit beverage containers; distributor report;...
342G-112 Deposit beverage container requirements. - §342G-112 Deposit beverage container requirements. (a) Except as provided in...
342G-113 Redemption of empty deposit beverage containers. - §342G-113 Redemption of empty deposit beverage containers. (a) Except as...
342G-114 Redemption centers. - §342G-114 Redemption centers. (a) Prior to operation, redemption centers shall...
342G-114.5 REPEALED. - §342G-114.5 REPEALED. L 2006, c 231, §2.
342G-115 Reverse vending machine requirements. - §342G-115 Reverse vending machine requirements. Reverse vending machines may be...
342G-116 Refusal of refund value payment for a deposit beverage container. - §342G-116 Refusal of refund value payment for a deposit beverage...
342G-117 Handling fees and refund values for certified redemption centers. - §342G-117 Handling fees and refund values for certified redemption centers....
342G-118 Reserved. - §342G-118 Reserved.
342G-119 Redemption center reporting. - §342G-119 Redemption center reporting. The department shall pay certified redemption...
342G-120 Recycling facility reporting. - §342G-120 Recycling facility reporting. Recycling facilities, in addition to any...
342G-121 Audit authority. - §342G-121 Audit authority. The records of the deposit beverage distributor,...
342G-122 Advisory committee. - §342G-122 Advisory committee. The department shall convene an advisory committee...
342G-123 REPEALED. - §342G-123 REPEALED. L 2006, c 231, §2.