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328J-1 Definitions. - §328J-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context...
328J-2 Prohibition in facilities owned by the State or the counties - §328J-2 Prohibition in facilities owned by the State or the...
328J-3 Prohibition in enclosed or partially enclosed places open to the public. - §328J-3 Prohibition in enclosed or partially enclosed places open to...
328J-4 Prohibition in enclosed or partially enclosed places of employment. - §328J-4 Prohibition in enclosed or partially enclosed places of employment....
328J-5 Prohibition in sports arenas, outdoor arenas, stadiums, and amphitheaters - §328J-5 Prohibition in sports arenas, outdoor arenas, stadiums, and amphitheaters....
328J-6 Presumptively reasonable distance. - §328J-6 Presumptively reasonable distance. Smoking is prohibited within a presumptively...
328J-7 Exceptions - §328J-7 Exceptions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter to...
328J-8 Declaration of establishment as nonsmoking. - §328J-8 Declaration of establishment as nonsmoking. (a) Notwithstanding any other...
328J-9 Signs. - §328J-9 Signs. Clearly legible signs that include the words "Smoking...
328J-10 Nonretaliation and nonwaiver of rights. - §328J-10 Nonretaliation and nonwaiver of rights. (a) No person or...
328J-11 Compliance and administration. - §328J-11 Compliance and administration. (a) Enforcement of compliance with this...
328J-11.5 Statewide concern. - §328J-11.5 Statewide concern. (a) Sales of cigarettes, tobacco products, and...
328J-12 Penalties. - §328J-12 Penalties. (a) A person who smokes in an area...
328J-13 Public education. - §328J-13 Public education. The department shall engage in a public...
328J-14 Other applicable laws. - §328J-14 Other applicable laws. This chapter shall not be interpreted...
328J-15 County ordinances. - §328J-15 County ordinances. (a) Nothing in this chapter shall be...
328J-16 Cigarette sales from vending machines and by lunch wagons prohibited. - §328J-16 Cigarette sales from vending machines and by lunch wagons...
328J-17 Distribution of sample cigarette or tobacco products, cigarette or tobacco promotional materials, and coupons redeemable for cigarette or tobacco products or promotional materials. - §328J-17 Distribution of sample cigarette or tobacco products, cigarette or...
328J-18 Placement of cigarettes and tobacco products. - §328J-18 Placement of cigarettes and tobacco products. (a) Except as...