Hawaii Revised Statutes
832. Uniform Criminal Extradition Act
832-16 Bail; in what cases; conditions of bond.

§832-16 Bail; in what cases; conditions of bond. Unless the offense with which the prisoner is charged is shown to be an offense punishable by death or life imprisonment under the laws of the state in which it was committed, a judge in this State may admit the person arrested to bail by bond, with sufficient sureties, and in such sum as the judge deems proper, conditioned for the person's appearance before the judge at a time specified in the bond, and for the person's surrender, to be arrested upon the warrant of the governor of this State. [L 1941, c 99, §16; RL 1945, §10646; RL 1955, §250-16; HRS §713-16; am L 1970, c 188, §39; ren L 1972, c 9, pt of §1; gen ch 1985]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 38. Procedural and Supplementary Provisions

832. Uniform Criminal Extradition Act

832-1 Definitions.

832-2 Fugitives from justice; duty of governor.

832-3 Form of demand.

832-4 Governor may investigate case.

832-5 Extradition of persons imprisoned or awaiting trial in any state or who have left the demanding state under compulsion.

832-6 Extradition of persons not present in demanding state at time of commission of crime.

832-7 Issue of governor's warrant of arrest; its recitals.

832-8 Manner and place of execution.

832-9 Authority of arresting officer.

832-10 Rights of accused person; application for writ of habeas corpus.

832-11 Penalty.

832-12 Confinement in jail when necessary.

832-13 Arrest prior to requisition.

832-14 Arrest without a warrant.

832-15 Commitment to await requisition; bail.

832-16 Bail; in what cases; conditions of bond.

832-17 Extension of time of commitment; adjournment.

832-18 Forfeiture of bail.

832-19 Persons under criminal prosecution in this State at time of requisition.

832-20 Guilt or innocence of accused, when inquired into.

832-21 Governor may recall warrant or issue alias.

832-22 Fugitives from this State; duty of governor.

832-23 Application for issuance of requisition; by whom made; contents.

832-24 Immunity from service of process in certain civil actions.

832-25 Written waiver of extradition proceedings.

832-26 Nonwaiver by this State.

832-27 No right of asylum; no immunity from other criminal prosecutions while in this State.