Hawaii Revised Statutes
662. State Tort Liability Act
662-8 Interest.

§662-8 Interest. On all final judgments rendered against the State in actions instituted under this chapter, interest shall be computed at the rate of four per cent a year from the date of judgment up to, but not exceeding, thirty days after the date of approval of any appropriation act providing for payment of the judgment. [L 1957, c 312, pt of §1; Supp, §245A-8; HRS §662-8]
Attorney General Opinions
Implies that judgments against State not funded by agency budgets. Att. Gen. Op. 85-8.
Case Notes
Trial court did not err in concluding that the State was immune from paying more than four per cent per annum post-judgment interest on the plaintiffs' damages; as State appealed from trial court's judgment and thus interest began to accrue "after the judgment on appeal", trial court did not err in concluding that post-judgment interest on the plaintiffs' damages began to accrue on that date. 105 H. 104, 94 P.3d 659 (2004).
Applicable to judgments against State; interest accrues from entry of final appellate judgment. 6 H. App. 70, 708 P.2d 829 (1985), aff'd, 68 H. 220, 708 P.2d 824 (1985).