Hawaii Revised Statutes
657D. Civil Relief for State Military Forces
657D-23 Mortgages, trust deeds, and other securities.

§657D-23 Mortgages, trust deeds, and other securities. (a) This section applies solely to obligations secured by mortgage, trust deed, or other security in the nature of a mortgage upon real or personal property owned by a person in military service before or at the commencement of the period of the military service and still owned by the person.
(b) In any proceeding commenced in any court during the period of military service to enforce that obligation arising out of nonpayment of any sum due or out of any other breach of the terms occurring prior to or during the period of the person's military service, the court may, after hearing and on its own motion, or shall, on application to it by the person in military service or some person on behalf of the person in military service, unless in the opinion of the court the ability of the defendant to comply with the terms of the obligation is not materially affected by reason of the defendant's military service:
(1) Stay the proceedings as provided in this chapter; or
(2) Make such other disposition of the case as may be equitable to conserve the interests of all parties.
(c) No sale, foreclosure, or seizure of property for nonpayment of any sum due under any such obligation, or for any other breach of the terms thereof, whether under a power of sale, under a judgment entered upon warrant of attorney to confess judgment contained therein, shall be valid if made during the period of military service or within one year thereafter, except pursuant to an agreement as provided in section 657D-6, unless upon an order previously granted by the court and a return thereto made and approved by the court.
Any person who knowingly makes, attempts, or causes to be made any such sale, foreclosure, or seizure of property, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [L 1994, c 257, pt of §2; am L 2019, c 77, §5]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 36. Civil Remedies and Defenses and Special Proceedings

657D. Civil Relief for State Military Forces

657D-1 Definitions.

657D-2 Territorial application; jurisdiction of courts; form of procedure.

657D-3 Protection of persons secondarily liable.

657D-4 Notice of benefits to persons in and persons entering military service.

657D-5 Extension of benefits to persons ordered to report for military service.

657D-6 Effect on rights, remedies, etc., pursuant to written agreements entered after commencement of military service.

657D-7 Exercise of rights not to affect lenders, credit, or insurers.

657D-11 Default judgments; affidavits; bonds; attorneys for persons in service.

657D-12 Stay of proceedings where military service affects conduct thereof.

657D-13 Fines and penalties on contracts.

657D-14 Restrictions.

657D-15 Duration and term of stays; co-defendants not in service.

657D-16 Statutes of limitations as affected by period of service.

657D-17 Maximum rate of interest.

657D-18 Limitation prescribed by state tax laws as affected by period of service.

657D-21 Eviction or distress during military service; stay; penalty for noncompliance; allotment of pay for payment.

657D-22 Installment contracts for purchase of property.

657D-23 Mortgages, trust deeds, and other securities.

657D-24 Settlement of cases involving stayed proceedings to foreclose mortgage on, resume possession of, or terminate contract for purchase of, personal property.

657D-25 Termination of residential or motor vehicle leases by lessees.

657D-26 Life insurance policies; penalties.

657D-27 Extension of benefits to dependents.

657D-31 Definitions.

657D-32 Persons entitled to benefits; applications; amount of insurance protected.

657D-33 Form of application; reports to insurance commissioner by insurer; policy deemed modified upon application for protection.

657D-34 Determination of policies entitled to protection; notice to parties; lapse of policies for nonpayment of premiums, etc.

657D-35 Rights and privileges of insured during period of protection.

657D-36 Deduction of unpaid premiums upon settlement of policies maturing during protection.

657D-37 Guarantee of premiums and interest by State; settlement of amounts due upon expiration of protection; subrogation of state crediting debt repayments.

657D-38 Rules; finality of determinations.

657D-41 Taxes respecting personalty, money, credits, or realty; sale of property to enforce collection; redemption of property sold; penalty for nonpayment; notice of rights to beneficiaries of section.

657D-42 Rights to public lands not forfeited; grazing lands.

657D-43 Income taxes; collection deferred; interest; statute of limitations.

657D-51 Transfers to take advantage of chapter.

657D-52 Certificates of service; persons reported missing.

657D-53 Revocation of interlocutory orders.

657D-61 Stay of enforcement of obligations, liabilities, taxes.

657D-62 Power of attorney.

657D-63 Reinstatement of health insurance coverage upon release from service.