Hawaii Revised Statutes
587A. Child Protective Act
587A-27 Service plan.

§587A-27 Service plan. (a) The service plan shall provide:
(1) The specific steps necessary to facilitate the return of the child to a safe family home, if the proposed placement of the child is in foster care under foster custody. These specific steps shall include treatment and services that will be provided, actions completed, specific measurable and behavioral changes that must be achieved, and responsibilities assumed;
(2) Whether an ohana conference will be conducted for family finding and family group decision making;
(3) The respective responsibilities of the child, the parents, legal guardian or custodian, the department, other family members, and treatment providers, and a description and expected outcomes of the services required to achieve the permanency goal;
(4) The required frequency and types of contact between the assigned social worker, the child, and the family;
(5) The time frames during which services will be provided, actions must be completed, and responsibilities must be discharged;
(6) Notice to the parents that their failure to substantially achieve the objectives described in the service plan within the time frames established may result in termination of their parental rights;
(7) Notice to the parents that if the child has been in foster care under the responsibility of the department for an aggregate of fifteen out of the most recent twenty-two months from the child's date of entry into foster care, the department is required to file a motion to set a termination of parental rights hearing, and the parents' failure to provide a safe family home within two years from the date when the child was first placed under foster custody by the court, may result in the parents' parental rights being terminated; and
(8) Any other terms and conditions that the court or the authorized agency deem necessary to the success of the service plan.
(b) Services and assistance to the family that are required by a service plan shall be presented in a manner that can be understood by and does not overwhelm the parties.
(c) The court shall ensure that each term, condition, and consequence of the service plan has been thoroughly explained to, understood by, and agreed to by each member of the child's family whom the authorized agency deems to be necessary to the success of the service plan. The court shall thereafter order the service plan into effect and order the distribution of copies to each family member or person who is a party to the service plan. If a member of a child's family whom the authorized agency deems to be necessary to the success of the service plan cannot understand or refuses to agree to the terms, conditions, and consequences of the service plan, the court shall conduct a hearing to determine the terms, conditions, and consequences of a service plan that will ensure a safe home for the child. [L 2010, c 135, pt of §1; am L 2011, c 51, §3]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 31. Family

587A. Child Protective Act

587A-1 Short title.

587A-2 Purpose; construction.


587A-3.1 Rights of children in foster care. (a) The department or an authorized agency shall ensure, whenever possible, that a child in foster care will: (1) Live in a home, free from physical, psychological, sexual, and other abuse; (2) Receive food...

587A-3.5 Authority to conduct criminal history record checks without consent.

587A-4 Definitions.

587A-5 Jurisdiction.

587A-6 Venue.

587A-7 Safe family home factors.

587A-7.5 Safe family home factors; disability.

587A-8 Protective custody by police officer without court order.

587A-9 Temporary foster custody without court order.

587A-10 Relatives; foster placement.

587A-11 Investigation; department powers.

587A-12 Petition.

587A-13 Summons and service of summons.

587A-14 Notice of hearings; participation of resource family.

587A-15 Duties, rights, and liability of authorized agencies.

587A-16 Guardian ad litem.

587A-17 Court-appointed attorneys.

587A-18 Reports to be submitted by the department and authorized agencies.

587A-19 Testimony by department social worker.

587A-20 Inadmissibility of evidence in other state actions or proceedings.

587A-21 Admissibility of evidence; testimony by a child.

587A-22 Unavailability of specified privileges.

587A-23 Effect of oral orders.

587A-24 Motions to vacate or modify prior orders brought or decided upon pursuant to rule 59, Hawaii family court rules.

587A-25 Conduct of hearing in child protective proceedings.

587A-26 Temporary foster custody hearing.

587A-27 Service plan.

587A-28 Return hearing.

587A-29 Show cause hearing.

587A-30 Periodic review hearing.

587A-31 Permanency hearing.

587A-32 Permanent plan.

587A-33 Termination of parental rights hearing.

587A-34 Reinstatement of parental rights.

587A-35 Retention of jurisdiction.

587A-36 Appeal.

587A-37 Failure to comply with terms and conditions of an order of the court.

587A-38 Protective order.

587A-39 Notice and service of protective order.

587A-40 Court records.

587A-41 Payment for service or treatment provided to a party or for a child's care, support, or treatment.

587A-42 Educational, medical, dental, and recreational needs.

587A-43 Child protective review panel.