Hawaii Revised Statutes
584. Uniform Parentage Act
584-11 Genetic tests.

§584-11 Genetic tests. (a) The court may, and upon request of a party, shall, require the child, mother, or alleged father to submit to genetic tests, including blood tests. If the requesting party is the mother or the alleged father, the court shall require that the request be made pursuant to a sworn statement. The sworn statement made by the party must either:
(1) Allege paternity setting forth facts establishing a reasonable possibility of the requisite sexual contact between the parties; or
(2) Deny paternity setting forth facts establishing a reasonable possibility of the non-existence of sexual contact between the parties. The testing utilized must have a power of exclusion greater than ninety-nine point zero per cent (99.0%) and a minimum combined paternity index of five hundred to one, and shall be performed by an expert qualified as an examiner of genetic markers, appointed by the court. The laboratory performing the testing shall be one approved by an accreditation body designated by the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services.
(b) The court, upon reasonable request by a party, shall order that independent tests be performed by other experts qualified as examiners of genetic markers.
(c) In all cases, the court shall determine the number and qualifications of the experts.
(d) "Genetic test" means the testing of inherited or genetic characteristics (genetic markers) and includes blood testing for paternity purposes.
(e) In any trial brought under this chapter, a report of the facts and results of genetic tests ordered by the court under this chapter shall be admissible in evidence by affidavit of the person whose name is signed to the report, attesting to the procedures followed in obtaining the report. A report of the facts and results of genetic tests shall be admissible as evidence of paternity without the need for foundation testimony or other proof of authenticity or accuracy, unless objection is made. The genetic testing performed shall be of a type generally acknowledged as reliable by accreditation bodies designated by the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services. An alleged parent or party to the paternity action who objects to the admission of the report concerning the genetic test results must file a motion no later than twenty days after receiving a copy of the report and shall show good cause as to why a witness is necessary to lay the foundation for the admission of the report as evidence. The court may, sua sponte, or at a hearing on the motion determine whether a witness shall be required to lay the foundation for the admission of the report as evidence. The right to call witnesses to rebut the report is reserved to all parties.
(f) Should an original test result be contested, the court shall order further genetic testing with payment of the testing to be advanced and paid for by the contesting party. [L 1975, c 66, pt of §1; am L 1989, c 34, §1; am L 1992, c 139, §1; am L 1994, c 27, §1; am L 1997, c 293, §43]
Rules of Court
Physical and mental examinations, see HFCR rule 35.

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 31. Family

584. Uniform Parentage Act

584-1 Parent and child relationship defined.

584-2 Relationship not dependent on marriage.

584-3 How parent and child relationship established.

584-3.5 Expedited process of paternity. (a) To expedite the establishment of paternity, each public and private birthing hospital or center and the department of health shall provide unwed parents the opportunity to voluntarily acknowledge the patern...

584-4 Presumption of paternity.

584-5 Reserved.

584-6 Determination of father and child relationship; who may bring action; when action may be brought; process, warrant, bond, etc.

584-6.5 Temporary support order based on probable paternity.


584-8 Jurisdiction; venue.

584-8.5 Paternity determinations from other states and territories. Paternity determinations from other states and territories, whether established through voluntary acknowledgment or through administrative or judicial processes, shall be treated the...

584-9 Parties; guardian ad litem for minor presumed or alleged father; county attorney or corporation counsel to represent custodial parent or agency; notice to parents.

584-10 Pretrial proceedings.

584-11 Genetic tests.

584-12 Evidence relating to paternity.

584-13 Pretrial recommendations.

584-14 Civil action.

584-15 Judgment or order.

584-16 Costs.

584-17 Enforcement of judgment or order.

584-18 Modification of judgment or order.

584-19 Right to counsel; free transcript on appeal.

584-20 Hearings and records; confidentiality.

584-20.5 Court filings; minutes of proceedings; posting requirement.

584-21 Action to declare mother and child relationship.

584-22 Promise to render support.

584-23 Birth records.

584-23.5 Paternity judgment, acknowledgment, support order; social security number.

584-23.6 Filing of acknowledgments and adjudications with department of health.

584-24 Custodial proceedings.

584-25 Uniformity of application and construction.

584-26 Short title.