Hawaii Revised Statutes
580. Annulment, Divorce, and Separation
580-71.5 Separation no bar to divorce.

§580-71.5 Separation no bar to divorce. Any party to a matrimonial action in which a decree of separation from bed and board has been entered, or any party to an action for separate maintenance in which a decree has been entered, may, notwithstanding the existence of such a decree, institute a matrimonial action and petition for the dissolution of that marriage, on any ground other than those set forth in paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 580-41, and in support of such petition may introduce evidence relating to events and facts occurring and existing both prior and subsequent to the entry of the decree of separation from bed and board in the prior matrimonial action, or the prior action for separate maintenance. [L 1976, c 140, §3]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 31. Family

580. Annulment, Divorce, and Separation

580-1 Jurisdiction; hearing.

580-2 Commencement of action; summons.

580-3 Service.

580-3.5 Personal judgment against absent defendant.

580-4 Cross-complaint.

580-5 Proof.

580-6 Guardian ad litem for incompetent defendant.

580-7 Examination of parties to prevent collusion.

580-8 Procedure when collusion suspected.

580-9 Temporary support, etc.

580-10 Restraining orders; appointment of master.

580-10.5 Automatic restraining order.

580-11 Care, custody, education, and maintenance of children pendente lite.

580-12 Sequestration of property.

580-13 Security and enforcement of maintenance and alimony.

580-14 Renumbered as §571-52.1.

580-15 County attorneys to represent court.

580-16 Divorce decree, support order; social security number.

580-21 Grounds for annulment.

580-22 Nonage.

580-23 Former husband or wife living.

580-24 Allowance for spouse and family.

580-25 Inheritance by children.

580-26 Lack of mental capacity.

580-27 Legitimacy in case of annulment.

580-28 Physical incapacity.

580-29 No annulment solely on confessions.

580-41 Divorce.

580-41.5 Battered spouses; exemption from mediation in divorce proceedings.

580-42 OLD REPEALED. §580-42 Irretrievable breakdown.

580-42.5 Recrimination no defense.

580-43 REPEALED.

580-44 Persons affected with Hansen's disease represented by attorney general.

580-45 Decree.

580-46 Final judgment; nunc pro tunc entry; validation of certain marriages.

580-47 Support orders; division of property.

580-47.5 Notice to parties with children.

580-48 REPEALED.

580-49 Support of insane spouse after divorce.

580-50 REPEALED.

580-51 Modification of alimony on remarriage.

580-52 Marriage after divorce.

580-53, 580-54 REPEALED.

580-55 REPEALED.

580-56 Property rights following dissolution of marriage.

580-71 Grounds for separation.

580-71.5 Separation no bar to divorce.

580-72 Married persons may bring action in own name.

580-73 REPEALED.

580-74 Support of spouse and children.

580-75 Status of spouse during separation.

580-76 Revocation or modification of separation decrees.