Hawaii Revised Statutes
53. Urban Renewal Law
53-52 Urban renewal plan.

§53-52 Urban renewal plan. Any urban renewal project undertaken pursuant to section 53-51 shall be undertaken in accordance with an urban renewal plan for the area of the project. As used in this chapter, an "urban renewal plan" means a plan, as it exists from time to time, for an urban renewal project, which plan (1) shall conform to the master plan for the county as a whole; or if there is no master plan for the county as a whole, then to the master plan for the urban area as a whole of which the urban renewal project area constitutes a part; and (2) shall be sufficiently complete to indicate such land acquisition, demolition, and removal of structures, redevelopment, improvements, and rehabilitation as may be proposed to be carried out in the area of the urban renewal project, zoning and planning changes, if any, land uses, maximum densities, building requirements, and the plan's relationship to definite local objectives respecting appropriate land uses; improved traffic, public transportation, public utilities, recreational and community facilities, and other public improvements. An urban renewal plan shall be prepared and approved pursuant to the same procedure as provided in this chapter with respect to a redevelopment plan, except as specifically provided in this part. [L 1955, c 271, pt of §1; RL 1955, §143-52; HRS §53-52]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 6. County Organization and Administration

53. Urban Renewal Law

53-1 Definitions.

53-2 Redevelopment agency; creation.

53-3 Interest in project prohibited; disclosure of interest.

53-4 Removal of members.

53-5 Powers and duties of agency.

53-6 Initiation and approval of redevelopment plan.

53-7 Urban renewal projects in disaster areas.

53-8 Acquisition of lands in redevelopment project.

53-9 Work on acquired areas; competitive contracts.

53-10 Appraisal of lands of agency.

53-11 Government instrumentalities to cooperate with agency.

53-12 Sale and lease of acquired lands; preference.

53-13 New constructions by agency.

53-14 Agency exempt from real property taxes.

53-15 Financial assistance of agency and office of urban renewal coordinator; redevelopment fund.

53-16 Bonds of agency.

53-17 Bonds of agency to be legal investments.

53-18 Investment of funds.

53-19 Report.

53-20 Auxiliary redevelopment area.

53-21 Auxiliary redevelopment area; displaced persons.

53-22 Governmental advances, donations, and other appropriations.

53-23 Redevelopment corporations; how created.

53-24 Consent of agency to incorporation of redevelopment corporations.

53-25 Application of other corporation laws.

53-26 Powers of redevelopment corporations.

53-27 Limited return on investment.

53-28 Consideration for issuance of stocks and bonds.

53-29 Minimum amount of stock and debentures.

53-30 Income debentures.

53-31 Mortgages and mortgage bonds.

53-32 Limitations.

53-33 Advances by redevelopment corporation.

53-34 Regulation of redevelopment corporations.

53-35 Transfer of title or foreclosure of project.

53-36 Dissolution.

53-37 Participation by certain corporations.

53-38 Tax exemption.

53-39 No limitation of provisions by implication.

53-51 Urban renewal projects.

53-52 Urban renewal plan.

53-53 Powers with respect to urban renewal.

53-54 Assistance to urban renewal by counties and other public bodies.

53-55 Urban redevelopment coordinator, office created.

53-56 Workable program, definition.

53-57 Coordinator, appointment, term, removal.

53-58 Coordinator, qualifications.

53-59 Coordinator, duties and powers.

53-60 Ordinance relating to repair, closing, and demolition of dwellings unfit for human habitation.


53-81 County may exercise urban renewal powers directly.

53-82 Abolition of existing agency.

53-83 Powers of county.

53-84 Incurring of indebtedness by the county.

53-85 Projects to constitute "undertakings"; revenues to include certain federal moneys; imposition of rates and charges.