Hawaii Revised Statutes
507. Liens
507-68 Payment before sale.

§507-68 Payment before sale. Any person claiming a right to the goods must pay the amount necessary to satisfy the lien and the reasonable expenses incurred for particular actions taken pursuant to this part. In that event, the goods shall not be sold, but shall be retained by the owner subject to the terms of this part pending a court order directing disposition of the property. [L 1984, c 239, pt of §1]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 28. Property

507. Liens

507-1 Animals, lien for care of.

507-2 Enforcement by sale of animals.

507-3 Excess returned to owner.

507-4 Liens for services in personal injury cases.

507-5 Foreclosure by bailee when not otherwise provided.

507-6 to 507-12 REPEALED.

507-13 Lien for laundering, cleaning, dyeing, pressing.

507-14 Enforcement; notice; auction.

507-15 Application of proceeds of sale.

507-16 Redemption prior to sale.

507-17 REPEALED.

507-18 Lien on personalty for work done and materials furnished.

507-19 Enforcement of lien.

507-20 Defense to lien by claimants.

507-21 Complaint in action to enforce lien; allegations.

507-22 Disputes as to application of proceeds of sale upon execution; jurisdiction of district courts; appeal.

507-23 Sale of personal property by lien holder.

507-41 Definitions.

507-42 When allowed; lessees, etc.

507-43 Filing notice, contents.

507-44 Record in circuit courts.

507-45 Discharge of lien.

507-46 Priority, record of; satisfaction.

507-47 Demand; enforcement; foreclosure; other attachment.

507-48 Owner may retain amount due.

507-49 Exceptions.

507-61 Definitions.

507-62 Owner's lien.

507-63 Rent due; notice of default and lien.

507-64 Notice of lien.

507-65 Final demand and notice of sale.

507-66 Method of sale.

507-67 Security interests, rights.

507-68 Payment before sale.

507-69 Good faith purchaser.

507-70 Self-storage contracts.

507-71 Other rights.

507-72 Applicability.

507-73 Occupant in default; motor vehicle or boat removal.

507-81 Attorney's lien upon actions and judgments.

507-82 Liens on attorneys; certified shorthand reporter services.