Hawaii Revised Statutes
467E. Social Workers
467E-11 Renewals.

§467E-11 Renewals. (a) Every license issued under this chapter shall be renewed triennially on or before June 30, with the first renewal deadline occurring on June 30, 1998. Failure to renew a license shall result in a forfeiture of the license. Licenses which have been so forfeited may be restored within one year of the expiration date upon payment of renewal and penalty fees, and in the case of audited licensees, documentary proof of compliance of continuing education. Failure to restore a forfeited license within one year of the date of its expiration shall result in the automatic termination of the license and relicensure may be subject to the person applying as a new applicant and satisfying again all licensing requirements.
(b) Beginning with the renewal for the licensing triennium commencing on July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2016, each licensee shall:
(1) Pay all required fees; and
(2) Complete a minimum of fifteen credit hours of continuing education courses within the renewal period; provided that a minimum of three credit hours shall be in ethic courses.
(c) Beginning with the renewal for the licensing triennium commencing on July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2019, and prior to every triennial renewal thereafter, each licensee shall:
(1) Pay all required fees; and
(2) Complete a minimum of forty-five credit hours of continuing education courses within the three-year period preceding the renewal date; provided that a minimum of three credit hours shall be in ethic courses.
(d) A first-time licensee shall not be subject to the continuing education requirement for the first license renewal.
(e) Each licensee shall maintain the licensee's continuing education records. At the time of renewal, each licensee shall certify under oath that the licensee has complied with the continuing education requirement of this section. The director may require a licensee to submit evidence satisfactory to the director that demonstrates compliance with the continuing education requirement of this section.
(f) The director may conduct random audits of licensees to determine compliance with the continuing education requirement. The director shall provide written notice of an audit to a licensee randomly selected for audit. Within sixty days of notification, the licensee shall provide the director with documentation verifying compliance with the continuing education requirement established by this section. [L 1994, c 251, pt of §2; am L 2013, c 183, §3]