Hawaii Revised Statutes
462A. Pilotage
462A-11 Rates of pilotage.

§462A-11 Rates of pilotage. The director shall establish the rates of pilotage for vessels subject to this chapter as follows:
(1) The rates of pilotage in effect on July 1, 1978, shall remain in effect until changed by the director pursuant to this chapter.
(2) No rate shall be increased, lowered, or altered without a public hearing in accordance with chapter 91. Due notice of hearing shall be mailed at least thirty days prior to the date of hearing to the individual licensed pilots, the pilot's association, and all owners, charterers, operators, and agents of vessels who have registered with the department.
(3) The director, in setting rates of pilotage, shall fix such amounts as will be a fair charge for the services rendered with due regard to necessary operating expenses, maintenance of, depreciation on, and return on investment for property used in the business of pilotage, and the rates and charges of pilotage at comparable ports of the United States.
(4) Persons aggrieved by the director's decision setting the rates of pilotage may appeal to circuit court as provided in chapter 91. [L 1978, c 231, pt of §2; am L 1985, c 126, §8; am L 1987, c 283, §34]