Hawaii Revised Statutes
456. Notaries Public
456-2 Qualifications; oath.

§456-2 Qualifications; oath. Every person commissioned as a notary public shall, at the time of the person's commission, be a resident of the State, possess the other qualifications required of a notary public and be at least eighteen years of age. Every person, prior to being commissioned as a notary public, shall take and subscribe an oath for the faithful discharge of the person's duties, which oath shall be filed in the department of the attorney general. [CC 1859, §1267; RL 1925, §3175; RL 1935, §5201; am L 1941, c 322, §2; am L 1943, c 173, pt of §1; RL 1945, §7662; RL 1955, §168-2; am L 1965, c 248, §1; HRS §456-2; am L 1972, c 2, §22; am L 1976, c 146, §1; am L 1978, c 122, §2; gen ch 1985; am L 2020, c 54, §5]
Law Journals and Reviews
For discussion of residence qualification, see The New Resident: Hawaii's Second-Class Citizen. 5 HBJ 77 (1968).