Hawaii Revised Statutes
440J. Telecommunications and Cable Industry Information Reporting
440J-2 Informational reports.

§440J-2 Informational reports. (a) Beginning on March 1, 2013, and on every March 1 thereafter, every provider, except for commercial mobile radio service providers, shall file with the department, in a form as prescribed by the director, separate reports for each county that include, over the most recent thirty-day period and without any other personal or private information, the following:
(1) Broadband access availability aggregated at the census-block level and detailed as a percentage of households, addresses, or tax map key parcels that cannot be serviced in a census-block at the broadband speed threshold; and
(2) The monthly price charged for the broadband service if purchased individually without any discounts.
(b) Beginning on March 1, 2013, and on every March 1 thereafter, commercial mobile radio service providers shall file with the department data and information that is the same as and not inconsistent with information filed with the Federal Communications Commission. [L 2012, c 259, pt of §2]