Hawaii Revised Statutes
425. Partnerships
425-204 Articles of merger.

§425-204 Articles of merger. (a) After approval of the plan of merger, unless the merger is terminated, articles of merger shall be signed on behalf of each general partnership, and each entity that is a party to the merger and delivered to the director for filing. The articles shall set forth:
(1) The name and jurisdiction of formation or organization of each entity that is a party to the merger, and the name, address, and jurisdiction of organization of the entity with or into which they propose to merge, which is hereinafter designated as the surviving entity;
(2) A statement that the plan of merger was approved by each entity that is a party to the merger;
(3) A statement indicating any changes in the organizing articles of the surviving entity to be given effect by the merger; provided that if no changes are made, a statement that the organizing articles of the surviving entity shall not be amended pursuant to the merger;
(4) The future effective date (which shall be a date certain) of the merger if it is not to be effective upon the filing of the articles of merger; provided that the effective date shall not be more than thirty days from the filing date; and
(5) A statement that includes:
(A) An agreement that the surviving entity may be served with process in this State in any action or proceeding for the enforcement of any liability or obligation of any entity previously subject to suit in this State which is to merge;
(B) An irrevocable appointment of a resident of this State as its agent to accept service of process in any proceeding pursuant to this paragraph, that includes the resident's street address in this State; and
(C) An agreement for the enforcement, as provided in this chapter, of the right of any dissenting member, shareholder, or partner to receive payment for their interest against the surviving entity.
(b) If the articles of merger provide for a future effective date, and:
(1) The plan of merger is amended to change the future effective date;
(2) The plan of merger permits the amendment of the articles of merger to change the future effective date without an amendment to the plan of merger; or
(3) The plan of merger is amended to change any other matter contained in the articles of merger so as to make the articles of merger inaccurate in any material respect, prior to the future effective date; then the articles of merger shall be amended by filing with the director a certificate of amendment that identifies the articles of merger and sets forth the amendment to the articles of merger.
If the articles of merger provide for a future effective date and if the plan of merger is terminated prior to the future effective date, the articles of merger shall be terminated by filing with the director a certificate of termination that identifies the articles of merger and states that the plan of merger has been terminated. [L 2002, c 41, pt of §3; am L 2003, c 124, §59; am L 2004, c 121, §34; am L 2006, c 235, §17]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 23. Corporations and Partnerships

425. Partnerships

425-1 Registration and annual statements.

425-1.5 Filing in office of the director; effective time and date.

425-1.6 Filing requirements; filing duty of the director.

425-1.7 Correcting a filed document.

425-1.8 Execution of statements.

425-2 Forms to be furnished by director.

425-3 Foreign partnerships, powers and liabilities.

425-3.5 Activities not constituting transacting business.

425-4 Partnership between husband and wife; prima facie proof.

425-5 Minors and incompetent persons.

425-6 Partnership name.

425-7 Partnership name; change of.

425-8 Reservation of partnership name.

425-9 Statement of dissolution.

425-10 Taxes, etc., a prior lien on partnership property on dissolution.

425-11 Record of statements.

425-12 Fee for filing documents and issuing certificates.

425-13 Personal liability and penalty.

425-14 Cancellation of registration.

425-15 Not applicable to corporations.

425-16 Fees, government realizations.

425-17 Withdrawal procedure for foreign general partnership.

425-18 Registered agent.

425-19 Designation or change of registered agent.

425-20 Resignation of registered agent.

425-21 Service on partnership. § §425-21 to 52 REPEALED.

425-71 to 77 REPEALED.

425-101 to 143 REPEALED. §425-101 Definitions.

425-102 Knowledge and notice.

425-103 Effect of partnership agreement; nonwaivable provisions.

425-104 Supplemental principles of law.

425-105 Recording and notification of statements.

425-106 Governing law.

425-107 Partnership subject to amendment or repeal of chapter.

425-108 Partnership as entity.

425-109 Formation of partnership.

425-110 Partnership property.

425-111 When property is partnership property.

425-112 Partner agent of partnership.

425-113 Transfer of partnership property.

425-114 Partnership registration statement.

425-115 Statement of denial.

425-116 Partnership liable for partner's actionable conduct.

425-117 Partner's liability.

425-118 Actions by and against partnership and partners.

425-119 Liability of purported partner.

425-120 Partner's rights and duties.

425-121 Distributions in kind.

425-122 Partner's rights and duties with respect to information.

425-123 General standards of partner's conduct.

425-124 Actions by partnership and partners.

425-125 Continuation of partnership beyond definite term or particular undertaking.

425-126 Partner not co-owner of partnership property.

425-127 Partner's transferable interest in partnership.

425-128 Transfer of partner's transferable interest.

425-129 Partner's transferable interest subject to charging order.

425-130 Events causing partner's dissociation.

425-131 Partner's power to dissociate; wrongful dissociation.

425-132 Effect of partner's dissociation.

425-133 Purchase of dissociated partner's interest.

425-134 Dissociated partner's power to bind and liability to partnership.

425-135 Dissociated partner's liability to other persons.

425-136 Statement of dissociation.

425-137 Continued use of partnership name.

425-138 Events causing dissolution and winding up of partnership business.

425-139 Partnership continues after dissolution.

425-140 Right to wind up partnership business.

425-141 Partner's power to bind partnership after dissolution.

425-142 Statement of dissolution.

425-143 Partner's liability to other partners after dissolution.

425-144 Settlement of accounts and contributions among partners.

425-145 REPEALED.

425-151 Name.

425-152 Limited liability partnerships; formation.

425-153 Statement of qualification.

425-154 Amending and restating, amending, and restating the statement of qualification; voluntary cancellation.

425-155 Status as limited liability partnership; cancellation.

425-156 Foreign limited liability partnerships.

425-157 Law governing foreign limited liability partnership.

425-158 Statement of foreign qualification.

425-159 Amending, restating, and amending and restating the statement of foreign qualification; voluntary cancellation.

425-160 Status as qualified foreign limited liability partnership; cancellation.

425-161 Foreign limited liability partnerships; effect of failure to qualify.

425-162 Foreign limited liability partnerships; activities not constituting the transaction of business.

425-163 Annual report.

425-164 Revocation of statement of qualification.

425-165, 166 REPEALED.

425-167 Correction of filed documents.

425-168 Fee for recording.

425-169 Revocation if instrument dishonored.

425-170 REPEALED.

425-171 Action by director.

425-172 Personal liability and penalty.

425-173 Transition rules for limited liability partnerships and foreign limited liability partnerships under prior law.

425-151 to 180 REPEALED. §425-191 REPEALED.

425-192 Conversion into and from partnerships or limited liability partnerships.

425-193 Articles of conversion.

425-194 REPEALED.

425-195 Effect of conversion.

425-196 Administrative order of abatement for infringement of partnership name.

425-197 Uniformity of application and construction.

425-198 Short title.

425-201 Definitions.

425-202 Foreign mergers.

425-203 Merger of general partnerships and limited liability partnerships.

425-204 Articles of merger.

425-205 Effect of merger.

425-206 REPEALED.