Hawaii Revised Statutes
414D. Hawaii Nonprofit Corporations Act
414D-102 Special meetings.

§414D-102 Special meetings. (a) A corporation with members shall hold a special meeting of members:
(1) On call of its board, or the person or persons authorized to do so by the articles or bylaws; or
(2) Unless the articles or bylaws provide otherwise, if the holders of at least five per cent of the voting power of any corporation sign, date, and deliver to any corporate officer one or more written demands for the meeting describing the purpose or purposes for which it is to be held.
(b) The close of business on the thirtieth day before delivery of the demand or demands for a special meeting to any corporate officer shall be the record date for the purpose of determining whether the five per cent requirement of subsection (a) has been met.
(c) If a notice for a special meeting demanded under subsection (a)(2) is not given pursuant to section 414D-105 within thirty days after the date the written demand or demands are delivered to a corporate officer, [regardless of] notwithstanding the requirements of subsection (d), a person signing the demand or demands may set the time and place of the meeting and give notice pursuant to section 414D-105.
(d) Special meetings of members may be held in or out of this State at the place stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws. If no place is stated or fixed in accordance with the bylaws, special meetings shall be held at the corporation's principal office.
(e) Only those matters that are within the purpose or purposes described in the meeting notice required by section 414D-105 shall be conducted at a special meeting of members.
(f) If authorized by the board of directors in its sole discretion, members or proxies of members may participate at a special meeting of members by means of the Internet, teleconference, or other electronic transmission technology in a manner that allows members the opportunity to:
(1) Read or hear the proceedings substantially concurrently with the occurrence of the proceedings;
(2) Vote on matters submitted to the members;
(3) Pose questions; and
(4) Make comments.
A member or proxy of a member participating in a meeting by means authorized by this subsection shall be deemed to be present in person at the meeting. The corporation shall implement reasonable measures to verify that each person deemed present and permitted to vote at the meeting by means of the Internet, teleconference, or other electronic transmission technology is a member or proxy of a member. [L 2001, c 105, pt of §1; am L 2002, c 130, §44; am L 2011, c 37, §7]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 23. Corporations and Partnerships

414D. Hawaii Nonprofit Corporations Act

414D-1 Short title.

414D-2 Reservation of power to amend or repeal.

414D-3 Filing requirements.

414D-4 Forms.

414D-5 Filing, service, and copying fees.

414D-6 Effective time and date of document.

414D-7 Correcting filed document.

414D-8 Filing duty of the department director.

414D-9 Appeal from the department director's refusal to file document.

414D-10 Evidentiary effect of copy of filed document.

414D-11 Certificates and certified copies to be received in evidence.

414D-12 Penalty for signing false document.

414D-13 Department director; powers.

414D-14 Definitions.

414D-15 Notice.

414D-16 Private foundations.

414D-17 Judicial relief.

414D-18 Miscellaneous charges.

414D-19 Shares of stock and dividends prohibited; compensation; distribution.

414D-20 Notice to the attorney general of commencement of proceeding.

414D-31 Incorporators.

414D-32 Articles of incorporation.

414D-33 Incorporation.

414D-34 Liability for preincorporation transactions.

414D-35 Organization of corporation.

414D-36 Bylaws.

414D-37 Emergency bylaws and powers.

414D-51 Purposes.

414D-52 General powers.

414D-53 Emergency powers.

414D-54 Ultra vires.

414D-61 Corporate name.

414D-62 Reserved name.


414D-64 Administrative order of abatement for infringement of corporate name.

414D-71 Registered agent.

414D-72 Designation or change of registered agent.

414D-73 Resignation of registered agent.

414D-74 Service on corporation.

414D-81 Admission.

414D-82 Consideration.

414D-83 No requirement of members.

414D-84 Differences in rights and obligations of members.

414D-85 Member's liability to third parties.

414D-86 Member's liability for dues, assessments, and fees.

414D-87 Creditor's action against member.


414D-89 Termination, expulsion, and suspension.

414D-89.5 Amendment terminating or canceling members; redemption of membership. (a) Any amendment to the articles or bylaws which would terminate all members or any class of members or redeem or cancel all memberships or any class of memberships shal...

414D-90 Derivative suits.

414D-91 Delegates.

414D-92 Purchase of memberships.

414D-101 Annual and regular meetings.

414D-102 Special meetings.

414D-103 Court-ordered meetings.

414D-104 Action by written consent.

414D-104.5 Action by ballot.

414D-105 Notice of meeting.

414D-106 Waiver of notice.

414D-107 Record date; determining members entitled to notice and vote.

414D-108 REPEALED.

414D-109 Members' list for meeting.

414D-110 Voting entitlement generally.

414D-111 Quorum requirements.

414D-112 Voting requirements.

414D-113 Proxies.

414D-114 Cumulative voting for directors.

414D-115 Other methods of electing directors.

414D-116 Corporation's acceptance of votes.

414D-117 Voting agreements.

414D-131 Requirement for and duties of the board.

414D-132 Qualifications of directors.

414D-133 Number of directors.

414D-134 Election, designation, and appointment of directors.

414D-135 Terms of directors generally.

414D-136 Staggered terms for directors.

414D-137 Resignation of directors.

414D-138 Removal of directors elected by members or directors.

414D-139 Removal of designated or appointed directors.

414D-140 Removal of directors by judicial proceeding.

414D-141 Vacancy on board.

414D-142 Compensation of directors.

414D-143 Regular and special meetings.

414D-144 Action without meeting.

414D-145 Call and notice of meetings.

414D-146 Waiver of notice of meeting.

414D-147 Quorum and voting.

414D-148 Committees of the board.

414D-149 General standards for directors.

414D-150 Director conflict of interest.

414D-151 Loans to or guaranties for directors and officers.

414D-152 Liability for unlawful distributions.

414D-153 Required officers.

414D-154 Duties and authority of officers.

414D-155 Standards of conduct for officers.

414D-156 Resignation and removal of officers.

414D-157 Contract rights of officers.

414D-158 Officers' authority to execute documents.

414D-159 Definitions.

414D-160 Authority to indemnify.

414D-161 Mandatory indemnification.

414D-162 Advance for expenses.

414D-163 Court-ordered indemnification.

414D-164 Determination and authorization of indemnification.

414D-165 Indemnification of officers, employees, and agents.

414D-166 Insurance.

414D-167 Application of this part.

414D-181 Authority to amend.

414D-182 Procedure to amend articles of incorporation.

414D-183 Articles of amendment.

414D-184 Restated, amended and restated, articles of incorporation.

414D-185 Amendment pursuant to judicial reorganization.

414D-186 Effect of amendment and restatement.

414D-187 Bylaws.

414D-188 Approval by third persons.

414D-200 Definitions

414D-201 Merger.

414D-201.5 Foreign mergers.

414D-202 Action on plan by board, members, and third persons.

414D-203 Articles of merger.

414D-204 Effect of merger.

414D-205 REPEALED.

414D-206 Bequests, devises, and gifts.

414D-207 REPEALED.

414D-207.1 Conversions into and from corporations. (a) A domestic corporation may adopt a plan of conversion and convert to a foreign corporation if: (1) The board of directors and members, if any, of the domestic corporation approve the plan of conv...

414D-208 REPEALED.

414D-208.1 Articles of conversion. (a) If a plan of conversion has been approved in the manner prescribed by section 414D-202 and has not been abandoned, articles of conversion shall be executed by an officer or other duly authorized representative o...

414D-209 REPEALED.

414D-210 REPEALED.

414D-210.1 Effect of conversion.

414D-211 Limitations on merger by public benefit corporations.

414D-221 Sale of assets in regular course of activities and mortgage of assets.

414D-222 Sale of assets other than in regular course of activities.

414D-231 Prohibited distributions.

414D-232 Authorized distributions.

414D-233 Notice to the attorney general of intention to dissolve

414D-241 Dissolution by incorporators, initial directors, and third persons.

414D-242 Dissolution by directors, members, and third persons.

414D-243 Articles of dissolution.

414D-244 Revocation of dissolution.

414D-245 Effect of dissolution.

414D-245.5 Trustees or receivers for dissolved corporations; appointment; powers; duties. (a) When any corporation organized under the laws of this State shall be or shall have been dissolved or shall cease or shall have ceased to exist, the circuit...

414D-246 Known claims against dissolved corporation.

414D-247 Unknown claims against dissolved corporation.

414D-248 Grounds for administrative dissolution.

414D-249 Procedure for and effect of administrative dissolution and effect of expiration.

414D-250 Reinstatement following administrative dissolution.

414D-251 Appeal from denial of reinstatement.

414D-252 Grounds for judicial dissolution.

414D-253 Procedure for judicial dissolution.

414D-254 Receivership or custodianship.

414D-255 Decree of dissolution.

414D-256 Deposit with director of finance.

414D-271 Authority to transact business required.

414D-272 Consequences of transacting business without authority.

414D-273 Application for certificate of authority.

414D-274 Change of name by foreign corporation.

414D-275 Effect of certificate of authority.

414D-276 Corporate name of foreign corporation.

414D-277 Registered agent of foreign corporation.

414D-278 Change of registered agent of foreign corporation.

414D-279 Resignation of registered agent of foreign corporation.

414D-280 Service on foreign corporation.

414D-281 Application to corporations heretofore authorized to transact business in this State.

414D-282 Withdrawal of foreign corporation.

414D-283 Grounds for revocation of certificate of authority.

414D-284 Procedure and effect of revocation.

414D-285 Appeal from revocation.

414D-301 Corporate records.

414D-302 Inspection of records by members.

414D-303 Scope of inspection rights.

414D-304 Court-ordered inspection.

414D-305 Limitations on use of membership list.

414D-306 Financial statements for members.

414D-306.5 Inspection of records by directors.

414D-307 Report of indemnification to members.

414D-308 Annual report.

414D-311 Superseding chapters.

414D-321 Application to existing domestic corporations.

414D-322 Application to qualified foreign corporations.

414D-323 Saving provisions.

414D-324 Severability.