Hawaii Revised Statutes
414. Hawaii Business Corporation Act
414-172 Standing.

§414-172 Standing. A shareholder may not commence or maintain a derivative proceeding unless the shareholder:
(1) Was a shareholder of the corporation at the time of the act or omission complained of or became a shareholder through transfer by operation of law from one who was a shareholder at that time; and
(2) Fairly and adequately represents the interests of the corporation in enforcing the right of the corporation. [L 2000, c 244, pt of §1]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 23. Corporations and Partnerships

414. Hawaii Business Corporation Act

414-1 Short title.

414-2 Reservation of power to amend or repeal.

414-3 Definitions.

414-4 Notice.

414-5 Number of shareholders.

414-6 Department director; powers.

414-11 Filing requirements.

414-12 Forms.

414-13 Filing, service, and copying fees.

414-14 Effective time and date of document.

414-15 Correcting filed document.

414-16 Filing duty of department director.

414-17 Appeal from department director's refusal to file document.

414-18 Evidentiary effect of copy of filed document.

414-19 Certificates and certified copies to be received in evidence.

414-20 Penalty for signing false document.

414-31 Incorporators.

414-32 Articles of incorporation.

414-33 Incorporation.

414-34 Liability for pre-incorporation transactions.

414-35 Organization of corporation.

414-36 Bylaws.

414-37 Emergency bylaws.

414-41 Purposes.

414-42 General powers.

414-43 Emergency powers.

414-44 Ultra vires.

414-51 Corporate name.

414-52 Reserved name.

414-53 Administrative order of abatement for infringement of corporate name.

414-61 Registered agent.

414-62 Designation or change of registered agent.

414-63 Resignation of registered agent.

414-64 Service on corporation.

414-71 Authorized shares.

414-72 Terms of class or series determined by board of directors.

414-73 Issued and outstanding shares.

414-74 Fractional shares.

414-81 Subscription for shares before incorporation.

414-82 Issuance of shares.

414-83 Liability of shareholders.

414-84 Share dividends.

414-85 Share options.

414-86 Form and content of certificates.

414-87 Shares without certificates.

414-88 Restriction on transfer of shares and other securities.

414-89 Expense of issue.

414-101 Shareholders' preemptive rights.

414-102 Corporation's acquisition of its own shares.

414-111 Distributions to shareholders.

414-121 Annual meeting.

414-122 Special meeting.

414-123 Court-ordered meeting.

414-124 Action without meeting.

414-125 Notice of meeting.

414-126 Waiver of notice.

414-127 Record date.

414-141 Shareholders' list for meeting.

414-142 Voting entitlement of shares.

414-143 Proxies.

414-144 Shares held by nominees.

414-145 Corporation's acceptance of votes, etc.

414-146 Quorum and voting requirements for voting groups.

414-147 Action by single and multiple voting groups.

414-148 Greater quorum or voting requirements.

414-149 Voting for directors; cumulative voting.

414-161 Voting trusts.

414-162 Voting agreements.

414-163 Shareholder agreements.

414-171 Definitions.

414-172 Standing.

414-173 Demand.

414-174 Stay of proceedings.

414-175 Dismissal.

414-176 Discontinuance or settlement.

414-177 Payment of expenses.

414-178 Applicability to foreign corporations.

414-191 Requirement for and duties of board of directors.

414-192 Qualifications of directors.

414-193 Number and election of directors.

414-194 Election of directors by certain classes of shareholders.

414-195 Terms of directors generally.

414-196 Staggered terms for directors.

414-197 Resignation of directors.

414-198 Removal of directors by shareholders.

414-199 Removal of directors by judicial proceeding.

414-200 Vacancy on board.

414-201 Compensation of directors.

414-211 Meetings.

414-212 Action without meeting.

414-213 Notice of meeting.

414-214 Waiver of notice of meeting.

414-215 Quorum and voting.

414-216 Committees.

414-221 General standards for directors.

414-222 Limitation of liability of directors; shareholder approval required.

414-223 Liability for unlawful distributions.

414-231 Required officers.

414-232 Duties of officers.

414-233 Standards of conduct for officers.

414-234 Resignation and removal of officers.

414-235 Contract rights of officers.

414-241 Definitions.

414-242 Permissible indemnification.

414-243 Mandatory indemnification.

414-244 Advance for expenses.

414-245 Court-ordered indemnification and advance for expenses.

414-246 Determination and authorization of indemnification.

414-247 Officers.

414-248 Insurance.

414-249 Variation by corporate action; application of subpart.

414-250 Nonexclusivity of subpart.

414-261 Definitions.

414-262 Judicial action.

414-263 Directors' action.

414-264 Shareholders' action.

414-271 Conversion into and from corporations.

414-272 Articles of conversion.

414-273 REPEALED.

414-274 Effect of conversion.

414-281 Authority to amend.

414-282 Amendment by board of directors.

414-283 Amendment by board of directors and shareholders.

414-284 Voting on amendments by voting groups.

414-285 Amendment before issuance of shares.

414-286 Articles of amendment.

414-287 Restated or amended and restated articles of incorporation.

414-288 Amendment pursuant to reorganization.

414-289 Effect of amendment.

414-301 Amendment by board of directors or shareholders.

414-302 Bylaw increasing quorum or voting requirement for shareholders.

414-303 Bylaw increasing quorum or voting requirement for directors.

414-310 Definitions.

414-311 Merger.

414-311.6 Foreign mergers.

414-312 Share exchange.

414-313 Action plan.

414-314 Merger of subsidiary.

414-315 Articles of merger or share exchange.

414-316 Effect of merger or share exchange.

414-317 REPEALED.

414-318 Merger of subsidiary corporations.

414-319 REPEALED.

414-331 Sale of assets in regular course of business and mortgage of assets.

414-332 Sale of assets other than in regular course of business.

414-341 Definitions.

414-342 Right to dissent.

414-343 Dissent by nominees and beneficial owners.

414-351 Notice of dissenters' rights.

414-352 Notice of intent to demand payment.

414-353 Dissenters' notice.

414-354 Duty to demand payment.

414-355 Share restrictions.

414-356 Payment.

414-357 Failure to take action.

414-358 After-acquired shares.

414-359 Procedure if shareholder dissatisfied with payment or offer.

414-371 Court action.

414-372 Court costs and counsel fees.

414-381 Dissolution by incorporators or initial directors.

414-382 Dissolution by board of directors and shareholders.

414-383 Articles of dissolution.

414-384 Revocation of dissolution.

414-385 Effect of dissolution.

414-386 Known claims against dissolved corporation.

414-387 Unknown claims against dissolved corporation.

414-401 Grounds for administrative dissolution.

414-402 Procedure for and effect of administrative dissolution and effect of expiration.

414-403 Reinstatement following administrative dissolution.

414-404 Appeal from denial of reinstatement.

414-411 Grounds for judicial dissolution.

414-412 Procedure for judicial dissolution.

414-413 Receivership or custodianship.

414-414 Decree of dissolution.

414-415 Election to purchase in lieu of dissolution.

414-421 Deposit with director of finance.

414-422 Trustees or receivers for dissolved corporations; appointment; powers; duties.

414-431 Authority to transact business required.

414-432 Consequences of transacting business without authority.

414-433 Application for certificate of authority.

414-434 Change of name by foreign corporation.

414-435 Effect of certificate of authority.

414-436 Corporate name of foreign corporation.

414-437 Registered agent of foreign corporation.

414-438 Change of registered agent of foreign corporation.

414-439 Resignation of registered agent of foreign corporation.

414-440 Service on foreign corporation.

414-441 Application to corporations heretofore authorized to transact business in this State.

414-451 Withdrawal of foreign corporation.

414-461 Grounds for revocation.

414-462 Procedure for and effect of revocation.

414-463 Appeal from revocation.

414-470 Books and records.

414-472 Annual report.

414-473 Penalties imposed upon corporations.

414-481 Application to existing domestic corporations.

414-482 Application to qualified foreign corporations.

414-483 Savings provision.

414-484 Severability.