Hawaii Revised Statutes
40. Audit and Accounting
40-1 Comptroller to supervise accounts, etc.

§40-1 Comptroller to supervise accounts, etc. (a) The comptroller shall be the general accountant of the State and shall cause to be recorded every receipt and disbursement of money made to, by, or through the treasury. The comptroller shall have the power to withhold any disbursement for which no appropriation has been made or which would cause a specific appropriation to be exceeded.
(b) [Repeal and reenactment on July 1, 2024. L 2021, c 203, §4.] With respect to the executive branch, except the University of Hawaii and the department of education, the comptroller shall have complete supervision of all accounts. The comptroller may preaudit all proposed payments less than $100,000 to determine the propriety of expenditures and compliance with executive orders and rules that may be in effect. The comptroller shall preaudit all proposed payments of $100,000 or more to determine the propriety of expenditures and compliance with executive orders and rules that may be in effect. When necessary, the comptroller shall withhold approval of any payment. Whenever approval is withheld, the department or agency concerned shall be promptly notified. With respect to the University of Hawaii and the department of education, the comptroller shall issue warrants for the release of funds for the operating costs of the university or the department of education, as applicable, in amounts and at times mutually agreed upon by the governor or director of finance and the university or department of education, as applicable; provided that:
(1) The amounts released shall not exceed the allotment ceilings for the respective funding sources of the university's or the department of education's appropriations established by the governor for an allotment period pursuant to section 37-34; and
(2) The comptroller may issue warrants as an advance from the state treasury to the University of Hawaii and the department of education to establish a checking account and provide working capital in amounts and at times mutually agreed upon by the governor or director of finance and the University of Hawaii and the department of education.
The University of Hawaii and the department of education shall preaudit all proposed payments of $10,000 or more and shall preaudit samples of the population of proposed payments of less than $10,000; provided that the sample size comprises at least five per cent of the population, and is of a size that the chief financial officers of the University of Hawaii and the department of education, as applicable, determine appropriate, to determine the propriety of expenditures and compliance with applicable laws, executive orders, and rules. The University of Hawaii and the department of education shall make disbursements for operating expenses from the amounts released by the comptroller and maintain records and documents necessary to support those disbursements at times mutually agreed upon by the university president or the superintendent of education, as applicable, and the comptroller; provided that when requested by the university or the department of education, the comptroller shall make all disbursements for the university or the department of education, as applicable, subject to available allotment. Funds released pursuant to this section shall be deposited by the university or the department of education, as applicable, in accordance with the provisions applicable to the director of finance by chapter 38. Any interest earned on the deposit of funds released pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the state treasury at the end of each fiscal year.
(c) With respect to the judiciary and the legislature, the comptroller shall make available to the judiciary and the legislature the total amount appropriated to each, except that the judiciary and the legislature may request the comptroller's services in maintaining custody of the amount appropriated to each and in making payments therefrom. When such services are requested, the comptroller shall make all disbursements requested by the judiciary or the legislature, but shall not make any disbursement for which no appropriation has been made or which would cause a specific appropriation to be exceeded.
(d) Any financial transaction recorded may be inspected by the public. [L 1898, c 39, §9; RL 1925, §1435; RL 1935, §562; RL 1945, §1564; RL 1955, §34-13; am L 1957, c 152, §1; HRS §40-1; am L 1974, c 159, §4; am L 1986, c 321, § §4, 12; am L 1987, c 283, §69; am L 1989, c 371, § §4, 7; am L 1990, c 66, §1; am L 1991, c 163, §3; am L 1993, c 314, § §1, 2; am L Sp 1993, c 8, §22; am L 1996, c 231, §1; am L 1997, c 180, §1; am L 1998, c 115, §24; am L 2004, c 58, § §3, 14; am L 2005, c 22, §50 and c 137, §1; am L 2006, c 161, § §1, 7 and c 306, §1; am L 2008, c 37, §1; am L Sp 2009, c 5, §12; am L 2010, c 102, §5, c 124, §6 as superseded by c 124, §10, and c 161, §3 as superseded by c 161, §5; am L 2015, c 44, § §1, 7 to 9; am L 2017, c 91, §2; am L 2021, c 203, §2]
Cross References
Generally, see §26-6.
Services to judiciary and legislature, see §26-25.

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 5. State Financial Administration

40. Audit and Accounting

40-1 Comptroller to supervise accounts, etc.

40-2 Accounting systems and internal control; enforcing the use of and inspection of the same.

40-3 Bookkeeping.

40-4 Publication of statements.

40-5 Annual reports.

40-6 Approval of business and accounting forms.

40-7 Count of money and securities in treasury.

40-8 Statements of count to be filed.

40-9 Keeping of cash book.

40-10 Destruction of vouchers, etc.

40-11 Destruction of warrants, bonds and interest coupons.

40-12 Examination before destruction.

40-13 Regulations.

40-14 Office space management.

40-31 Public accountants defined, duties.

40-32 Payments by public accountants.


40-34 Accountants may deposit in bank, when.

40-35 Payment to State under protest.

40-35.5 Assessment and collection of service charges for dishonored payments.

40-36 Successor accountants; vesting of moneys.

40-37, 38 REPEALED.

40-39 Powers in examination.

40-40 Receipts and payments.

40-51 Money drawn only on warrants.

40-51.5 Checks or electronic funds transfers in lieu of warrants.

40-51.6 Electronic funds transfers in lieu of checks. Any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, every public accountant who receives revenues or other moneys on account for the State and is authorized to accept remittances by check, draft, or si...

40-52 Form of treasury warrant.

40-53 Salary and pension payments.

40-54 Payroll deductions authorized.

40-54.5 Disclosure of information. (a) The appropriate government agencies shall disclose to the recipient of payroll deductions information related to the administration of payroll deductions as follows: name, social security number, and amounts and...

40-55 Warrants for certain mechanics and laborers.

40-56 Warrants for supplies, incidentals.

40-57 Warrants on account of contracts.

40-57.5 Comptroller's acceptance of vouchers for the Hawaii state medicaid program.

40-57.6 Duplicate bills accompanying vouchers.

40-58 In favor of assignees.

40-59 Comptroller to keep list of salaries, contracts, bids, etc.

40-60 Vouchers required; procedure if not obtainable.

40-61 Procedure when voucher defective.

40-62 Payment of warrants.

40-63 Director's warrant notes.

40-64 Interest designated on warrant note.

40-65 Notice of payment of warrant notes.

40-66 Appropriations lapse when.

40-67 Closing out appropriation accounts.

40-68 Nonpresentment of warrants and checks.

40-81 Report by agencies receiving special moneys.

40-81.5 Rapid transportation authority; certification statement.

40-82 Uncollectible accounts.

40-82.5 Delinquent accounts, collection.

40-83 Audit of public school accounts.

40-84 Petty cash funds; regulations.

40-85 Imprest fund for immediate welfare payments, emergency assistance, and work-related expenses.

40-86 Lapse of University of Hawaii appropriations.

40-87 Lapse of department of education appropriations.

40-88 State of Hawaii endowment fund created.

40-89 Prior year accounts.

40-90 Encumbrances, when void.

40-91 Appeal from comptroller.

40-92 Examining persons, books.

40-93 Form of notice to appear for examination.

40-94 Examination under oath.

40-95 Penalty for false evidence.

40-96 Penalty for violating.