Hawaii Revised Statutes
328D. Bottled Water
328D-7 Exemption; soda water, soft drink.

§328D-7 Exemption; soda water, soft drink. (a) Bottled soft drinks, soda, seltzer, or other products commonly recognized as soft drinks and labeled with a common or usual name other than one of those specified in section 328D-1 or food complying with 21 C.F.R. 165.175 are exempt from the requirements of this chapter. Water that is not in compliance with the requirements of this chapter may not be labeled as €œartesian water €, €œbottled water €, €œdistilled water €, €œdrinking water €, €œfluoridated water €, €œmineral water €, €œnatural water €, €œpurified water €, €œspring water €, or €œwell water €.
(b) Bottled water that is not sold for human consumption shall be exempt from the requirements of this chapter, provided that the product is labeled €œnot for human consumption € in prominent lettering. [L 1988, c 304, pt of §1]