Hawaii Revised Statutes
325. Infectious and Communicable Diseases
325-2.5 Health care-associated infection reporting.

§325-2.5 Health care-associated infection reporting. (a) Each health care facility in the State that is certified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services shall report information about health care-associated infections to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's national healthcare safety network, as specified in the rules of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
(b) Health care facilities subject to this section shall authorize the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to allow the department to access health care-associated infection data reported by those health care facilities to the national healthcare safety network.
(c) The department may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 to require that health care-associated infections that are multidrug-resistant be reported to the department through the national healthcare safety network. The rules shall specify which health care facilities are required to report those health care-associated infections that are multidrug-resistant through the national healthcare safety network, as well as the patient populations that are to be targeted in the reports. The first year of reporting required under this subsection shall be a pilot test of the reporting system and shall not be reported or disclosed to the public.
(d) The department shall preserve patient confidentiality and shall not disclose to the public any patient-level data obtained from any health care facility.
(e) The department may issue reports to the public regarding health care-associated infections in aggregate data form to protect individual patient identity. The reports may identify individual health care facilities. The reports shall use the methodology or any part of the methodology developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for national reporting of health care-associated infections.
(f) Health care-associated infection information held by the department as a result of reporting under this section is not subject to subpoena, discovery, or introduction into evidence in any civil or criminal proceeding; provided that health care-associated infection information otherwise available from other sources is not immune from subpoena, discovery, or introduction into evidence through those sources solely because the information was reported as required by this section.
(g) Beginning on June 30, 2013, and no later than June 30 of each year, thereafter, the department shall prepare a public report, in accordance with this section, containing information pertaining to health care-associated infections in the State for the previous calendar year.
(h) For the purposes of this section:
"Department" means the department of health.
"Health care facility" means the same as in section 323D-2. [L 2011, c 177, §2]
Revision Note
Section was enacted as an addition to chapter 321 but was renumbered to this chapter pursuant to §23G-15.

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 19. Health

325. Infectious and Communicable Diseases

325-1 Diseases or conditions declared communicable or dangerous to public health.

325-1.5 Purpose.

325-2 Physicians, laboratory directors, and health care professionals to report.

325-2.5 Health care-associated infection reporting.

325-3 Others to report.

325-4 Identity of patients safeguarded.

325-5 Antitoxins, antiserums, vaccines, biologics, and drugs.

325-6 Epidemic control.


325-8 Infected persons and quarantine.

325-9 Quarantine without removal; duty of police officers to assist in removals and enforcement of quarantine.

325-10 REPEALED.

325-11 REPEALED.

325-12 Common drinking cup prohibited.

325-13 Rules.

325-14 Penalty.

325-15 REPEALED.

325-16 Informed consent for testing or disclosure.

325-16.5 Counseling and testing of sexual assault victims; testing of sex offenders upon request of victim. (a) Any sexual assault victim, or the parent or guardian of a minor or incapacitated victim, shall be informed as soon as practicable after th...

325-17 Quality assurance standards for HIV antibody testing.

325-18 Advisory committees for health care workers infected with blood-borne infections.

325-19 Rubella testing of pregnant women.

325-20 Agreements; collaborative assistance in control of disease outbreaks.

325-21 Sale of sterile syringes for the prevention of disease.

325-31 REPEALED.

325-32 Immunization against infectious diseases.

325-33 Performance of vaccination and immunization.

325-34 Exemptions.

325-35 Forms and procedures.

325-36 Duty of adult, or of parent, guardian, or caregiver.

325-37 Fraud; wilful misrepresentation; failure to comply; penalties.

325-38 Immunization of indigent, medically indigent, and other persons.

325-51 Blood samples of pregnant women required.

325-52 Serologic tests; reports.

325-53 Reports of blood tests.

325-54 Reports confidential; penalty.

325-55 Rules and regulations.

325-56 Penalty.

325-71 Reports by physicians and others.

325-72 Examination of sputum.

325-73 Protection of record; penalty.

325-74 Physicians; precautions; instructions.

325-75 Reporting recovery of patient.

325-76 Examinations for tuberculosis.

325-77 Notice.

325-78 Test and treatment for tuberculosis.

325-79 to 84 REPEALED.

325-91 Blood transfusion; hepatitis.

325-92 Prenatal hepatitis B screening and treatment of newborns.

325-101 Confidentiality of records and information.

325-102 Civil penalty.

325-103 Custodian of records.

325-104 Responsibility to report.

325-111 Definitions.

325-112 Sterile needle and syringe exchange program established.

325-113 Operation of the program.

325-114 Criminal liability.

325-115 Program oversight committee.

325-116 Reports.

325-117 Termination of the program.

325-121 Definitions.

325-122 Hawaii immunization registry; establishment and purposes.

325-123 Confidentiality and content of registry records.

325-124 Purposes for access to registry information; access not a disclosure.

325-125 Registry record requirements; duration of retention.

325-126 Civil and criminal liability.