Hawaii Revised Statutes
302L. Early Learning System
302L-1 Definitions.

§302L-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
"At-risk children" means children who, because of their home and community environment, are subject to language, cultural, economic, and other disadvantages that cause them to be at risk for school failure, including children:
(1) Who are placed through their individualized education programs in a general education setting;
(2) Who are English as a second language learners;
(3) Who are in foster care;
(4) Who are homeless; or
(5) Whose family income is no more than three hundred per cent of the federal poverty level.
"Board" means the early learning board established pursuant to this chapter.
"Center-based" describes programs in which early learning services are provided in a facility, including private preschools, child care centers, and head start programs, licensed, or excluded or exempt from licensing, by the department of human services.
"Early learning" means developmentally appropriate early childhood development and education for children from prenatal care until the time they enter kindergarten.
"Early learning system" means a developmentally appropriate early childhood development and education system for children from prenatal care until the time they enter kindergarten.
"Family child care program" means a program in which a child is cared for in a family child care home licensed under section 346-161.
"Family-child interaction learning program" means a program attended by both a child and at least one adult who is the child's parent, relative, or other caregiver, that facilitates family-child interactive learning experiences for children and educates the family member or members about how to encourage the child's learning.
"Family engagement" means practices that engage families in recognition of the need for families to actively support their child's learning and development, including classrooms that make families feel welcome, communication with families on an ongoing basis, the promotion of responsible parenting, and involvement in decisions that affect families and their children.
"Home-based instruction program" means a family-involvement, school-readiness program that helps families prepare their child for success in school and beyond, and that is based in the child's home; provided that home schooling is not a home-based instruction program.
"Office" means the executive office on early learning established pursuant to this chapter.
"Underserved children" means children who have no access to, or are not qualified to attend, other early learning programs and whose family income is no more than three hundred per cent of the federal poverty level. [L Sp 2008, c 14, pt of §2; am L 2012, c 178, §5; am L 2015, c 108, §3 and c 109, §3; am L 2017, c 202, §2; am L 2019, c 276, §9]