Hawaii Revised Statutes
28. Attorney General
28-131 Drug nuisance abatement unit.

§28-131 Drug nuisance abatement unit. (a) There is established in the department of the attorney general a drug nuisance abatement unit.
(b) The unit shall employ such attorneys, auditors, investigators, and other personnel as necessary to promote the effective and efficient conduct of the unit's activities. Except for the attorneys, all other employees of the drug nuisance abatement unit shall be subject to chapter 76.
(c) The purpose of the drug nuisance abatement unit shall be to provide for the effective enforcement and prosecution of those violations of the drug nuisance abatement laws under chapter 712, part V but only for offenses related to drugs and intoxicating compounds as provided under chapter 712, part IV. The drug nuisance [abatement] unit may also review and take appropriate action on drug nuisance complaints of any citizen of the State, or drug nuisances that are discovered by the unit in carrying out its activities. [L 2003, c 63, §1]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 4. State Organization and Administration, Generally

28. Attorney General

28-1 Appears for State.

28-2 Prosecutes offenders, enforces bonds.

28-2.5 Investigations.

28-3 Gives opinions.

28-4 Advises public officers.

28-5 Aids poor.

28-5.1 REPEALED.

28-5.2 Protection of charitable assets; attorney general's authority.

28-6 No fee; not to act as attorney.

28-7 Accounts.

28-7.5 Administrative services manager; appointment and duties.

28-8 First deputy attorney general; other deputies.

28-8.3 Employment of attorneys.

28-8.5 Special assistant to the attorney general; appointment and duties; secretary.

28-9 Additional deputies for acquisition of rights-of-way.

28-10 Prohibition on private practice of law by the attorney general, first deputy, and other deputies.

28-10.5 Criminal and juvenile justice resource coordination; administrator and staff.

28-10.6 Crime research, prevention, and education; administrator and staff.

28-10.7 REPEALED.

28-10.8 Rules.

28-11 Investigators; appointment and powers.

28-11.5 REPEALED.

28-12 Seal of department.

28-13 Antitrust trust fund.


28-15 Tobacco enforcement special fund.

28-16 Litigation deposits trust account.

28-17 Criminal history record checks.

28-21 to 28 REPEALED.

28-31 to 49 REPEALED.

28-51 to 56 REPEALED.

28-71 Organized crime unit.

28-91 Medicaid fraud unit.

28-91.5 Medicaid investigations recovery fund; established. There is established in the state treasury the medicaid investigations recovery fund as a special fund, and which is to be administered by the department of the attorney general, into which...

28-94 Dependent elder abuse; suits by the State; civil penalties.

28-101 Witness security and protection.

28-111 Victim-witness assistance program.

28-121 Missing child center-Hawaii; programs.

28-122 to 124

28-123 REPEALED.

28-131 Drug nuisance abatement unit.

28-141 Surveillance review unit.

28-151 Definitions.

28-152 Law enforcement officer independent review board; established.

28-153 Review of incidents of officer-involved death.

28-161 Policy.

28-162 Definitions.

28-163 Electronic smoking device retailer registration unit.

28-164 Registration.

28-165 Certificate.

28-166 Inspection.

28-167 Personnel.

28-168 Civil penalty for failure to register.