Hawaii Revised Statutes
271. Motor Carrier Law
271-9 General duties and powers of the commission.

§271-9 General duties and powers of the commission. (a) The general duties and powers of the public utilities commission shall be:
(1) To regulate common carriers by motor vehicle, and to that end the commission shall establish reasonable requirements with respect to continuous and adequate service, leasing of motor vehicles, uniform system of accounts, records, and reports, and preservation of records.
(2) To regulate contract carriers by motor vehicle, and to that end the commission shall establish reasonable requirements with respect to leasing of motor vehicles, uniform system of accounts, records, and reports, and preservation of records.
(3) To administer, execute, and enforce this chapter, to make all necessary orders in connection therewith, and to prescribe rules, regulations, and procedures for the administration.
(4) For purposes of the administration of this chapter, to inquire into the management of the business of motor carriers, and into the management of the business of persons controlling, controlled by, or under common control with, motor carriers to the extent that the business of these persons is related to the management of the business of one or more motor carriers, and the commission shall keep itself informed as to the manner and method in which the same are conducted, and may obtain from the carriers and persons such information as the commission deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
(5) To investigate any person acting in the capacity of or engaging in the business of a motor carrier within the State, without having a certificate of public convenience and necessity or other authority previously obtained under and in compliance with this chapter or the rules promulgated thereunder.
(b) The commission may from time to time establish such just and reasonable classifications of groups of carriers included in the term "common carrier by motor vehicle" or "contract carrier by motor vehicle", as the special nature of the services performed by the carriers shall require, and such just and reasonable rules, regulations, and requirements, consistent with this chapter, to be observed by the carriers so classified or grouped, as the commission deems necessary or desirable in the public interest.
(c) Upon complaint in writing to the commission by any person or body politic, or upon its own initiative without complaint, the commission may investigate whether any motor carrier has failed to comply with any provision of this chapter, or with any regulation, requirements, or order established or issued pursuant thereto. If the commission, after notice and hearing as prescribed in section 271-31, finds upon any investigation that the motor carrier has failed to comply with any provision, regulation, requirements, or order, the commission shall issue an appropriate order to compel the carrier to comply therewith. Whenever the commission is of the opinion that any complaint does not state reasonable grounds for investigation and action on its part, it may dismiss the complaint. [L 1961, c 121, pt of §2; am L 1962, c 12, §5; am L 1963, c 137, §1 and c 193, §34; Supp, §106C-7; HRS §271-9; am L Sp 1977 1st, c 20, §5; am L 1991, c 57, §12]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 15. Transportation and Utilities

271. Motor Carrier Law

271-1 Declaration of policy.

271-2 Administration; governing provisions of other acts.

271-3 Application of chapter, interstate, or foreign commerce.

271-4 Definitions.

271-5 Exemptions, generally.


271-7 Exemptions, vehicles used by farmers.

271-8 Certificate or permit required.

271-8.5 Advertising.

271-9 General duties and powers of the commission.

271-9.5 Electronic copies of documents.

271-10 Reports and decisions of commission.

271-11 Copies of schedules, tariffs, contracts, etc., kept as public records; evidence.

271-12 Applications for certificates of public convenience and necessity.

271-13 Permits for contract carriers by motor vehicle.

271-14 No proprietary right in highway.

271-15 Dual operation.

271-16 Temporary authority.

271-17 Security for protection of public.

271-18 Transfer of certificates of public convenience and necessity, contract carrier permits, and carrier property.

271-19 Suspension, change, and revocation of certificates and permits.

271-20 Rates, fares and charges of common carriers by motor vehicle.

271-21 Tariffs of common carriers by motor vehicle.

271-22 Schedules of contract carriers by motor vehicle.

271-23 Bills of lading, shipping documents.

271-24 Recovery of overcharges or undercharges.

271-25 Accounts, records, and reports.

271-26 Records to be maintained in State.

271-26.5 Change of address; responsibility; service of orders.

271-27 Unlawful operation.

271-28 Collection of rates and charges.

271-28.5 Motor carrier lien.

271-29 Identification of carriers.

271-30 Allowance to shippers for transportation services.

271-31 Hearings.

271-32 Reconsideration and rehearings.

271-33 Appeals.

271-34 Witnesses.

271-35 Agreements between carriers.

271-36 Fees and charges.

271-37 Attorney general; aid in enforcement.

271-38 Enforcement.

271-39 Motor carrier indemnification agreements prohibited.