Hawaii Revised Statutes
26H. Hawaii Regulatory Licensing Reform Act
26H-6 New regulatory measures.

§26H-6 New regulatory measures. New regulatory measures being considered for enactment that, if enacted, would subject unregulated professions and vocations to licensing or other regulatory controls shall be referred to the auditor for analysis. Referral shall be by concurrent resolution that identifies a specific legislative bill to be analyzed. The analysis required by this section shall set forth the probable effects of the proposed regulatory measure and assess whether its enactment is consistent with the policies set forth in section 26H-2. The analysis also shall assess alternative forms of regulation. The auditor shall submit each report of analysis to the legislature. [L 1977, c 70, pt of §2; am L 1979, c 121, §3; am L 1984, c 156, §2; am L 1996, c 270, §3]