Hawaii Revised Statutes
26. Executive and Administrative Departments
26-21 Department of defense.

§26-21 Department of defense. (a) The department of defense shall be headed by a single executive to be known as the adjutant general. The adjutant general shall also be the director of the Hawaii emergency management agency as established in section 127A-3 and the director of homeland security.
The department shall be responsible for the defense of the State and its people from mass violence, originating from either human or natural causes.
The devolution of command of the military forces in the absence of the adjutant general shall be within the military establishment. The devolution of command of the Hawaii emergency management agency in the absence of the adjutant general, as director of the agency, shall be within the agency.
(b) The office of veterans' services and the advisory board on veterans' services as constituted by chapter 363 are placed within the department of defense for administrative purposes. [L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §28; Supp, §14A-27; HRS §26-21; am L 1969, c 122, §1; am L 1981, c 82, §2 and c 135, §4; am L 1988, c 115, §2; am L 2013, c 175, §3; am L 2014, c 111, §4]
Cross References
Cybersecurity, economic, education, and infrastructure security coordinator, see §128B-1.

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 4. State Organization and Administration, Generally

26. Executive and Administrative Departments

26-1 Office of the lieutenant governor.

26-2 Order of succession to offices of governor and lieutenant governor.

26-3 Position of administrative director created.

26-4 Structure of government.

26-5 Department of human resources development.

26-6 Department of accounting and general services.

26-7 Department of the attorney general.

26-8 Department of budget and finance.

26-9 Department of commerce and consumer affairs.

26-10 Department of taxation.

26-11 University of Hawaii.

26-12 Department of education.

26-13 Department of health.

26-14 Department of human services.

26-14.5 REPEALED.

26-14.6 Department of public safety.

26-15 Department of land and natural resources.

26-16 Department of agriculture.

26-17 Department of Hawaiian home lands.

26-18 Department of business, economic development, and tourism.

26-19 Department of transportation.

26-20 Department of labor and industrial relations.

26-21 Department of defense.

26-22 Transfer of functions.

26-23 Assignment of functions.

26-24 Agencies and offices abolished.

26-25 Services to the judiciary and legislature.

26-31 Selection and terms of single executives as heads of departments.

26-32 Acting heads of departments; appointment of; responsibility for acts of.

26-33 Performance of duties of vacant office.

26-34 Selection and terms of members of boards and commissions.

26-35 Administrative supervision of boards and commissions.

26-35.5 Members of boards and commissions; immunity from or indemnification for civil liability; defense of members.

26-36 Acting members of boards.

26-37 Substitutes for officials called into active service.

26-38 Powers and duties of heads of departments.

26-39 Department staffs.


26-41 Temporary boards and commissions.

26-51 Governor; lieutenant governor.

26-52 Department heads and executive officers.

26-53 Deputies or assistants to department heads.

26-54 Administrative director of the State.


26-56 Commission on salaries.

26-61 Benchmarks; duties.