Hawaii Revised Statutes
202. Hawaii Workforce Development Council
202-2 Duties of council.

§202-2 Duties of council. In accordance with P.L. 113-128 (29 U.S.C. section 3111), the workforce development council shall assist the governor in:
(1) The development, implementation, and modification of the state plan consistent with P.L. 113-128 (29 U.S.C. section 3112);
(2) The review of statewide policies, statewide programs, and recommendations on actions that should be taken by the State to align workforce development programs in a manner that supports a comprehensive and streamlined workforce development system in the State, including consideration of programs and activities of one-stop partners that are not core programs;
(3) The development and continuous improvement of the workforce development system in the State;
(4) The development and updating of comprehensive state performance accountability measures, including state adjusted levels of performance, to assess the effectiveness of the core programs in the State as required under P.L. 113-128 (29 U.S.C. section 3141(b));
(5) The identification and dissemination of information on best practices for the effective operation of one-stop centers, and the development of effective local boards and effective training programs;
(6) The development and review of statewide policies affecting the coordinated provision of services through the State's one-stop delivery system;
(7) The development of strategies for technological improvements to facilitate access to, and improve the quality of, services and activities provided through the one-stop delivery system;
(8) The development of strategies for aligning technology and data systems across one-stop partner programs to enhance service delivery and improve efficiencies in reporting on performance accountability measures, including the design and implementation of common intake, data collection, case management information, and performance accountability measurement and reporting processes, and the incorporation of local input into the design and implementation, to improve coordination of services across one-stop partner programs;
(9) The development of allocation formulas for the distribution of funds for employment and training activities for adults, and youth workforce investment activities, to local areas as permitted under P.L. 113-128 (29 U.S.C. sections 3163(b)(3), 3173(b)(3));
(10) The preparation of annual reports as described in P.L. 113-128 (29 U.S.C. section 3141(d));
(11) The development of the statewide workforce and labor market information system described in the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. section 49l-2(e));
(12) The development of other policies as may promote statewide objectives for, and enhance the performance of, the workforce development system;
(13) Creating public awareness and understanding of the State's workforce development plans, policies, programs, and activities, and promoting the plans, policies, programs, and activities as economic investments;
(14) Submitting annual reports of the council's activities and recommendations to the governor and the legislature, and posting the annual reports electronically on the council's website no later than twenty days before the convening of each regular session. Annual reports shall include:
(A) The status of the comprehensive state plan for workforce development; and
(B) Information regarding the workforce development programs offered throughout the State, the number of individuals placed in high-demand or high-growth employment through workforce development programs by departments, the type or category of employment garnered, and allocations of state, federal, and other funding to achieve placements into higher-skilled jobs;
(15) Evaluating the state workforce development plan in terms of how its purposes, goals, and objectives have been carried out throughout the State;
(16) Providing technical assistance to local workforce development boards and other similar organizations;
(17) Carrying out required functions and duties related to workforce development of any advisory body required or made optional by federal legislation;
(18) The review and certification of local workforce development boards and plans prepared by local workforce development boards for the use of federal workforce development funds as provided in P.L. 113-128 (29 U.S.C. section 3122(b)-(c)); and
(19) Commenting on the measures taken pursuant to section 122(c)(17) of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, P.L. 109-270. [L 1965, c 270, §3; Supp, §98W-3; HRS §202-2; am L 1970, c 170, §2; am L 1985, c 252, §3; am L 1988, c 38, §1; am L 1997, c 346, §3; am L 1999, c 72, §4; am L 2000, c 58, §1; am L 2003, c 148, §4; am L 2016, c 57, §3; am L 2017, c 12, §14]
Cross References
Due date of annual report, see §93-12.