Hawaii Revised Statutes
196. Energy Resources
196-10 Hawaii renewable hydrogen program.

§196-10 Hawaii renewable hydrogen program. There is established, within the department of business, economic development, and tourism, a Hawaii renewable hydrogen program to manage the State's transition to a renewable hydrogen economy. The program shall design, implement, and administer activities that include:
(1) Strategic partnerships for the research, development, testing, and deployment of renewable hydrogen technologies;
(2) Engineering and economic evaluations of Hawaii's potential for renewable hydrogen use and near-term project opportunities for the State's renewable energy resources;
(3) Electric grid reliability and security projects that will enable the integration of a substantial increase of electricity from renewable energy resources on the island of Hawaii;
(4) Hydrogen demonstration projects, including infrastructure for the production, storage, and refueling of hydrogen vehicles;
(5) A statewide hydrogen economy public education and outreach plan focusing on the island of Hawaii, to be developed in coordination with Hawaii's public education institutions;
(6) Promotion of Hawaii's renewable hydrogen resources to potential partners and investors;
(7) A plan, for implementation during the years 2007 to 2010, to more fully deploy hydrogen technologies and infrastructure capable of supporting the island of Hawaii's energy needs, including:
(A) Expanded installation of hydrogen production facilities;
(B) Development of integrated energy systems, including hydrogen vehicles;
(C) Construction of additional hydrogen refueling stations; and
(D) Promotion of building design and construction that fully incorporates clean energy assets, including reliance on hydrogen-fueled energy generation;
(8) A plan, for implementation during the years 2010 to 2020, to transition the island of Hawaii to a hydrogen-fueled economy and to extend the application of the plan throughout the State; and
(9) Evaluation of policy recommendations to:
(A) Encourage the adoption of hydrogen-fueled vehicles;
(B) Continually fund the hydrogen investment capital special fund; and
(C) Support investment in hydrogen infrastructure, including production, storage, and dispensing facilities. [L 2006, c 240, §6]
Cross References
Hydrogen investment capital special fund, see §211F-5.7.

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 12. Conservation and Resources

196. Energy Resources

196-1 Findings and declaration of necessity.

196-1.5 Priority permitting process for renewable energy projects.

196-2 Definitions.

196-3 and 196-4 REPEALED.

196-5 Gas appliances with pilot light prohibited; exemptions.

196-6 Energy efficient storage hot water heaters.

196-6.5 Solar water heater system required for new single-family residential construction.

196-7 Placement of solar energy devices.

196-7.5 Placement of electric vehicle charging system.


196-8.5 Placement of clotheslines. (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no person shall be prevented by any covenant, declaration, bylaws, restriction, deed, lease, term, provision, condition, codicil, contract, or similar binding agreement,...

196-9 Energy efficiency and environmental standards for state facilities, motor vehicles, and transportation fuel.

196-10 Hawaii renewable hydrogen program.

196-10.5 Hawaii clean energy initiative program.

196-10.8 Energy systems and technology training.

196-11 Definitions.

196-12 to 17 REPEALED.

196-18 REPEALED.

196-19 Life-cycle cost analysis.

196-20 REPEALED.

196-21 Financing mechanisms.

196-22 State energy projects.

196-23 Energy efficient products.

196-24 to 29 REPEALED.

196-30 Public buildings; benchmarks; retro-commissioning guidelines; energy savings performance contracts.

196-41 State support for achieving renewable portfolio standards.

196-42 State support for achieving alternate fuels standards and clean ground transportation goals.

196-61 Definitions.

196-62 Hawaii green infrastructure loan program.

196-62.5 Financing for state government agencies.

196-63 Hawaii green infrastructure authority.

196-64 Functions, powers, and duties of the authority.

196-65 Hawaii green infrastructure special fund.

196-65.5 Clean energy and energy efficiency revolving loan fund

196-66 Use of Hawaii green infrastructure special fund; application.

196-67 Hawaii green infrastructure bond fund.

196-68 Compliance with revenue bond law.

196-69 Reporting; annual report.

196-70 Severability

196-71 Hawaii state energy office; established.

196-72 Chief energy officer of the Hawaii state energy office; duties.

196-81 Definitions.

196-82 Purpose.

196-83 Rules.

196-84 Scope.

196-85 Appliance efficiency standards.

196-86 Implementation.

196-87 Protection against repeal of federal standards.

196-88 Testing, certification, and labeling.