Hawaii Revised Statutes
142. Animals, Brands, and Fences
142-94 Destruction of unconfined rabbits and Belgian hares.

§142-94 Destruction of unconfined rabbits and Belgian hares. Any police officer or other person may destroy any rabbit or Belgian hare found unconfined and no officer or other person destroying any rabbits or Belgian hares so found shall be liable for any damages for such destruction to any person claiming the ownership of the animals; provided that no officer or other person shall enter any inhabited enclosure for the purpose of taking or destroying any rabbits or Belgian hares without authority of law or under a warrant duly issued. [L 1890, c 61, §3; am L 1917, c 50, §4; RL 1925, §671; RL 1935, §256; RL 1945, §1100; RL 1955, §20-93; HRS §142-94]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 11. Agriculture and Animals

142. Animals, Brands, and Fences

142-1 Information and statistics.

142-2 Rules.

142-3 Department, duties.

142-3.5 Authority to contract or rent facilities. The board of agriculture may contract with third parties for the use or rental of the division of animal industry's property or facilities; provided that: (1) The board determines the property or faci...

142-3.6 Animal industry special fund.

142-4 Entry of animals without inspection prohibited.

142-4.5 Health certificate.

142-5 Landing of animals.

142-5.5 Service animals.

142-6 Quarantine.

142-7 Breeding in quarantine prohibited.

142-8 Notification of arrival.

142-9 Quarantine between islands.

142-10 Importing prohibited, when.

142-11 Forfeiture of animals, etc.

142-12 Penalties.

142-13 Reporting disease; penalty.

142-14 Sale of diseased animals; penalty.

142-15 REPEALED.

142-16 Dairy and breeding cattle; tuberculin tests.

142-17 Branding of tuberculous cattle.

142-18 Disposal of tuberculous animals.

142-19 Indemnification for tuberculous animals.

142-20 Premises from which tuberculous cattle removed to be disinfected.

142-21 Cooperation with federal authorities.

142-22 Anaplasmosis; indemnity for slaughtered cattle.

142-23 Brucellosis testing; indemnity for slaughtered cattle.

142-23.1 Hog cholera eradication; indemnity.

142-23.5 Garbage feeding prohibited; penalty.

142-24 to 27 REPEALED.

142-28 REPEALED.

142-28.5 Animal quarantine special fund.

142-29 Enforcement; citation and summons.

142-30 Form of citation and summons.

142-31 Administration of oath.

142-41 Brands to be recorded, etc.

142-42 Expiration of registration, reregistration.

142-43 Right to a brand determined by department.

142-44 Owners of unbranded animals.

142-45 Using other's brand prohibited; penalty.

142-46 Using unregistered brand prohibited; penalty.

142-47 Obliterating brand; penalty.

142-48 Felonious branding; penalty.

142-49 Livestock ownership and movement certification.

142-61 Lawful fence; penalty.

142-62 Breaking, etc., of fence; penalty.

142-63 Trespass on fenced cultivated land.

142-64 On unfenced cultivated land.

142-65 On uncultivated land.

142-66 On public roads, lands.

142-67 REPEALED.

142-68 Fine for continued trespassing by animals.

142-69 Stallions.

142-70 Expenses, driving, etc.

142-71 Procedure to recover animals; owner notified before impounding.

142-72 Procedure, if owner believes impounding illegal.

142-73 Jurisdiction; appeal.

142-74 Liability of dog owner; penalty.

142-75 Human bitten by dog; duty of dog owners; action against owner.

142-91 Destruction of animals ferae naturae.

142-92 Mongoose; keeping or breeding; penalty.

142-93 Harboring mongoose; penalty.

142-93.5 Mongoose; killing allowed.

142-94 Destruction of unconfined rabbits and Belgian hares.

142-95 Rabbits, Belgian hares, to be kept off ground; penalty.

142-96 Frightening animals; penalty.

142-97 Wild cattle through street; penalty.

142-98 Fees.

142-99 Lost or rescued animals; penalty.

142-100 Beekeepers, registration; apiary program.

142-101 Definitions.

142-102 Pigeon permits.

142-103 Exercise, training, and racing.

142-111 Definitions.

142-112 Aviary game bird permits.