Hawaii Revised Statutes
123. Naval Militia
123-1 Organization.

§123-1 Organization. The governor may organize a naval militia to consist of not more than four divisions and to be known as the naval militia of the State of Hawaii. The naval militia shall be a portion of the organized militia of the State and shall conform to such regulation as may be prescribed by the secretary of the navy.
The governor shall appoint a commission of five to be known as the naval militia board and who shall serve without compensation for the service. Three members of the board shall consist of the commanding officer of the naval militia, one staff officer of the naval militia, and one other commissioned officer of the naval militia with the rank of lieutenant or higher. The board shall direct and audit the expenditure of all sums of money appropriated or available for the use of the naval militia. The senior commissioned officer of naval militia shall be chairperson of the board. The senior commissioned officer may call special meetings of the board when it becomes necessary or expedient by giving ten days' notice of the meeting; provided the meetings may be held at any time without such notice upon the consent of all of the members of the board. The board shall hold regular quarterly meetings at Honolulu, at the established headquarters of the board. The board shall keep a record of the proceedings, and may employ a secretary capable of attending to the technical details of the board, who shall keep a record of its meetings. It may arrange for the headquarters of the naval militia in the armory or armories in the State as the governor may designate and provide necessary stationery and furniture; provision such ship or ships as may be loaned the State by the United States, and provide suitable moorings for the same; promulgate and submit to the governor for the governor's approval such rules and regulations for the government of the naval militia as it deems for the good of the service. The rules and regulations shall govern the naval militia the same as the rules and regulations of the United States navy govern the navy of the United States. The rules and regulations to be promulgated shall conform as nearly as practicable to the articles, rules, and regulations of the United States navy. The articles, rules, and regulations of the United States navy shall govern the naval militia until otherwise ordered by the governor on the recommendation of the board. Members of the board shall hold office for four years. Three or more members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. [L 1915, c 151, §1; RL 1925, §271; RL 1935, §7860; RL 1945, §13080; RL 1955, §354-1; HRS §123-1; gen ch 1985, 1993]