Georgia constitution
Article X
Paragraph II

A proposal by the General Assembly to amend this Constitution or to provide for a new
Constitution shall originate as a resolution in either the Senate or the House of
Representatives and, if approved by two-thirds of the members to which each house is entitled
in a roll-call vote entered on their respective journals, shall be submitted to the electors
of the entire state at the next general election which is held in the even-numbered years. A
summary of such proposal shall be prepared by the Attorney General, the Legislative
Counsel, and the Secretary of State and shall be published in the official organ of each county
and, if deemed advisable by the "Constitutional Amendments Publication Board," in not
more than 20 other newspapers in the state designated by such board which meet the qualifications
for being selected as the official organ of a county. Said board shall be composed
of the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Such summary shall be published once each week for three consecutive weeks immediately
preceding the day of the general election at which such proposal is to be submitted. The
language to be used in submitting a proposed amendment or a new Constitution shall be in
such words as the General Assembly may provide in the resolution or, in the absence thereof,
in such language as the Governor may prescribe. A copy of the entire proposed amendment
or of a new Constitution shall be filed in the office of the judge of the probate court of
each county and shall be available for public inspection; and the summary of the proposal
shall so indicate. The General Assembly is hereby authorized to provide by law for additional
matters relative to the publication and distribution of proposed amendments and
summaries not in conflict with the provisions of this Paragraph.
If such proposal is ratified by a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members
of the General Assembly voting thereon in such general election, such proposal shall
become a part of this Constitution or shall become a new Constitution, as the case may be.
Any proposal so approved shall take effect as provided in Paragraph VI of this article. When
more than one amendment is submitted at the same time, they shall be so submitted as to
enable the electors to vote on each amendment separately, provided that one or more new
articles or related changes in one or more articles may be submitted as a single amendment.