Georgia constitution
Article VI
Paragraph X

The General Assembly may by
general law approved by a two-thirds' majority of the members of each house enact
legislation providing for, as pilot programs of limited duration, courts which are not uniform
within their classes in jurisdiction, powers, rules of practice and procedure, and selection,
qualifications, terms, and discipline of judges for such pilot courts and other matters relative
thereto. Such legislation shall name the political subdivision, judicial circuit, and existing
courts affected and may, in addition to any other power, grant to such court created as a pilot
program the power to issue process in the nature of mandamus, prohibition, specific
performance, quo warranto, and injunction. The General Assembly shall provide by general
law for a procedure for submitting proposed legislation relating to such pilot programs to the
Judicial Council of Georgia or its successor. Legislation enacted pursuant to this Paragraph
shall not deny equal protection of the laws to any person in violation of Article I, Section I,
Paragraph II of this Constitution.